Recent content by Tulecreeper

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Tulecreeper

    Post a joke

    A lot of truth tho this one.
  2. Tulecreeper

    Post a joke

    He should be able to see out of his right eye in about a week.
  3. Tulecreeper

    EVs and Pedestrians

    This is/was in California, where I was a LEO for many years before I retired. Whether you are aware of it or not, if there is one kid on school grounds anytime day or night you can get cited for going over whatever the "Children Present" speed limit is. No sane cop is going to ticket you for...
  4. Tulecreeper

    EVs and Pedestrians

    By the letter of the law "when children are present" does not specifically mean during school hours, or even that the children have to be visible. Strictly speaking, even if the speed limit is 45 MPH when children are not present (well outside school hours), and it is 10 PM and you are doing 45...
  5. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

  6. Tulecreeper

    Me and JFK

    Very cool story. Point Mugu doesn't exist anymore. It was a Naval Air Station (NAS) until it merged with Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme in 2000 and it all became Naval Base Ventura County.
  7. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    Unless someone makes a post and provides provenance along with it, everything is an opinion.
  8. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    The children of the illegals do qualify for SNAP benefits, even if their parents brought them across the border illegally. So, who do you think actually collects those benefits? I guarantee they aren't being deposited into the kid's bank accounts. And it's not the children who are the...
  9. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    No, but their kids are/do.
  10. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    I call dibs on the "riff-raff" and "free stuff" quotes. I never uttered the other terms.
  11. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    I know - to a large population of illegals. When it was determined that the large population of illegals had to feed their overwhelming majority of occupants born and bred right here.
  12. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    Yes, I know. Again, an opinion.
  13. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    In a lot of the big cities. Free housing in apartment buildings that have been refurbished at taxpayer expense; SNAP benefits, etc. Not better than (or as good as) you have it, but better than where they came from. Most of this 'free stuff' is from the cities and states, federal freebies are...
  14. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    No, but that is not happening to the vast majority of people streaming towards the border. If it were, it would be on the news every single night because the media never lets a good crisis go to waste if it fits their agenda.
  15. Tulecreeper

    CA home prices still increasing?

    Again, you can't believe these people are all seeking 'asylum'. That's just a catch-all word word for, "We want some free stuff, and the US will provide it."
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