Setting up upon arrival at your destination

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2005
Eden, NC
Sitting here wondering about something...

Are we alone or does setting up in a new location sometimes bring out the worst reactions/behaviors in couples? 

I am truly ashamed to say that more than once lately I have caught myself responding in a really irritated way to my wonderful husband while busily performing set up duties and being interrupted for whatever reason. Or wanting something done in a different order than he was thinking and getting aggravated at that.

Another one is when the neighbors call out to the significant other and you are wanting to finish getting set up before you go off to socialize.
I get a bit tiffy when setting up and things aren't done in order. Unfortunately my DW takes the brunt of this (with me getting snippy and/or giving her dirty looks)and she's only trying to take some of the pressure off of me. Ever since I had the stroke, I have to concentrate a bit more, and doing things in MY order helps me not miss steps. Fortunately, she understands and doesn't hold it against me. And no, I don't like socializing with neighbors setting up or packing up to leave.
I can believe that fuses are shorter at setup. Especially if its after a long day's drive that was preceded by an early-morning decampment. Summed up, it makes for a tiring day.
I/we may be getting ready to experience that in the spring when we start using the new T.H.  Our old enclosed trailer that we sold to buy the T.H. had everything in a certain place and we had setup and broke things down so many times in the previous 5 or 6 years that it was just boom, boom, boom and we were done; each having their own responsibilities.  Next spring, we will be starting that learning curve over with a new T.H., everything in a different location, added things to do because of going from an enclosed trailer to a "camper" trailer.  I'm thinking that we are going to go to a nearby campground that is 8 or 9 miles from our house this coming spring and do a test run/check it out type setup.  We'll probably take notes and then try to make an orderly procedure checklist of how to do everything once we get to the racetrack.  We'll see!
I used to be that way, but after many years of setting up and taking down, we both have our own chores, and both go to it without bothering each other.
She has a heart of gold, and I don't know how she ever put up with my yelling. Thankfully I mellowed with age.

I'll bet you are not a long time RV'r

jack L
Derby6 said:
So you are extra

You'll get no argument on that from anyone here.

I get really irritated when 'she' wanders off to visit someone and leaves me to do everything.

Oh heck, who am I kidding.  I have a long-ish list of things she's done that get me grumpy.  But she has her own list too.
Derby6 said:
So you are extra
Right now I am extra grumpy. I just got my dash cam in the mail and it doesn't work. I paid extra for two day shipping so I could use it this weekend and now that is not going to happen.
We often camp with a group, so the wander off thing is a real problem. But once we're parked, we have our own chores that get done at thier own pace.

Then it's my turn a grab a cold one and wander off.
Our systems works good for us.  When we get to the site if I don't need help backing in (which is rare), the DW takes the dogs for a walk to do their thing after traveling, and by the time she gets back the coach is level, slides out, utilities hooked, and awning out.
Yes, JackL  we have actually been RVing for 40 years. We have our own chores but routines get interrupted for various reasons and being creatures of habit I have been getting frustrated when that happens. Just wondered if I was the only one.
  I also don't have the problem,,I do it all at my own pace and occasionally get help if needed and asked for...BUT,,,,I don't do the cooking, laundry,,dishes..make the bed,,shopping,,or pay the bills...SO I GUESS I'M THE WIIINNEEERRR!!>>>Dan
I get shouted at during the backing in process if my instructions on turning are not done early enough. I get shouted at even louder if this happens in the dark. Unfortunately this just makes me burst out laughing and the angrier he gets the more I laugh. Sometimes we both laugh or he just grumps till he gets a beer.  :D but it works both ways..... we don't hold grudges  life's too short.
utahclaimjumper said:
  I also don't have the problem,,I do it all at my own pace and occasionally get help if needed and asked for...BUT,,,,I don't do the cooking, laundry,,dishes..make the bed,,shopping,,or pay the bills...SO I GUESS I'M THE WIIINNEEERRR!!>>>Dan

You listen to too much Bobby Bare...  ;D
No grumpiness. I think that's mostly because of practice since early childhood.

Back when I was in the TT full time to place, drop, setup, and level in a full hookup spot with manual screw support jacks and the awning out could be done in about 20-30 minutes.

With the MH and hydraulic jacks 10 ... ;)

Tear down is the issue right now, we are just moving in and that is hell.
dpickard said:
Sitting here wondering about something...

Are we alone or does setting up in a new location sometimes bring out the worst reactions/behaviors in couples? 

I am truly ashamed to say that more than once lately I have caught myself responding in a really irritated way to my wonderful husband while busily performing set up duties and being interrupted for whatever reason. Or wanting something done in a different order than he was thinking and getting aggravated at that.

Another one is when the neighbors call out to the significant other and you are wanting to finish getting set up before you go off to socialize.

Have you given him a list of what should be done in a certain order?  Is he unable (or unwilling) to follow a list?

I'm going to assume that if someone comes up to talk to him while he is setting up - he feels it would be rude to say
"I can't talk now I have to setup first", and it becomes very easy to lose track of time and what your supposed to be doing.
Is it possible for you to be somewhere near him while he sets up and if someone approaches YOU could take over talking to
them while he finishes setting up? 

Have you ever thought about giving your "wonderful husband" some slack when this does happen?
I mean - is this something that happens every time you setup or tear-down or only 10 or 20% of the time?
If you have been camping for 40 years there may come a day when he's not around. 
Are you going to remember the good times or the times he irritated you?  JMO

It seems that after this much time together neither of you is going to change very much.  Have you told him how much
this issue bothers you?  Do you know how to paint a word picture?

It also seems like a fact of life that when 2 people are put together there are going to be some differences that you don't like
about each other.  No one is perfect and even happy appearing couples have an issue every now and again.

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