Ripping Her Apart!

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Hi All -

A new post with pictures is up on our blog.

We have the door installed, and four windows. We have the trim all caulked and are putting all our stuff in it to start heading South for warmer weather where we can continue construction.

Hope this finds you all well.
Happy Holidays!
Hi All -

We left Eastern Washington for Sunny central California. Used to be 'sunny' central CA was a joke and people would laugh as this region is infamous for it's fog. However, the temperatures are in the 60's and 70's and fog is currently minimal. We are here to continue the work on the RV and visit with family at the same time.  Maybe see a whale or two.

Has anyone else tried to do this? Visit while still having an overwhelming load of 'to-do's with your rig? I love my family and am so glad to be here with them for the holidays but you can imagine how much we have gotten done on the rig since being here. Ya, nothin'.

Here is where we are at. Side walls are of course done. Roof, cab-over and back are on but not insulated or finished. Enough to safely move the rig but not fully finish from the inside. Since we have needed to sleep in the rig, we have the cab-over made-up as a bed and a small path to that but otherwise, all our belongings are all on the floor in bins, bags and boxes. We hope to finish the ceiling and get some cabinets installed so we can finally start putting things away. I would love to paint before we put any cabinets in but without any place to put our things, who knows.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

Thanks -

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