My PC is acting a little strange

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
I just noticed tonight that when I unplug the power cord to my computer, the screen gets brighter. When I plug it back in, it gets dimmer.  I have two buttons on my keyboard for the brightness. When I turn it down (-) almost to a point where I can barely see the screen and unplug it, it gets real bright. When I turn up the brightness (+) as far as it will let me and I unplug it, the brightness stays the same. Is this normal.
Could be normal depending on what your power settings are for the display
  Are you simultaneously taking off your sunglasses  ;)


As said above, it may just be your settings, particularly if you had a recent update.  If you right click on the power icon on the bottom bar, it will let you check the setting
Mine does the same thing, but then the screen darkens again.  I have my screen brightness turned way down as it was giving me eye strain headaches.  With the brightness turned down they went away.
Windows 10 here.
It separately remembers the current brightness settings for each power source, battery or plugged in.
ON laptops under power settings there are different brightness settings for PLUGGED IN and BATTERY (AC and Battery) your settings need adjustment. That's all.
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