Chemical/detergent for tank indicator sensors.

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
I would love to find, and I'm sure everyone else would also, a detergent that would clean the sensors in my tanks. Right now, my black and one of my gray water tanks read 3/4 full and I just dumped them. I have a black water flusher and I let it run for 5 minutes. I'm thinking about dumping a whole bottle of something like Mr. Clean or similar in each tank, fill them and let them sit for a couple of days. Any recommendations?????
That would be like dumping detergent in the washing machine and not turning it on.  If you were to drive a lot with the detergent and plenty of water, there might be some cleaning action.
lynnmor said:
That would be like dumping detergent in the washing machine and not turning it on.  If you were to drive a lot with the detergent and plenty of water, there might be some cleaning action.

I did say I would fill them after adding the detergent.
I've found Rix-X or the Roebic K47/K57 products to be most effective, but many RVers swear by the GEO method of DIY cleaning.

The best solution is to install external sensors, e.g. the Garnet See-Level system.
Okay here goes.  The thought that came to me --- I used to use uncooked dry rice to clean a glass carafe that I couldn't get a brush or cloth in.  Maybe a bag of rice with the detergent while you chug along?  Don't know if you could slosh it up high enough to get the sensors without moving things about in your coach.  As I said, just a thought.
When I get back from a trip I fill my 4 waste tanks, drain them, then fill them again with a full cup of Dawn disk soap added. I'll let that sit for several days and then drain them again. 

Then I add quarter cup of Dawn Dawn and about three gallons of water to each tank so they don't dry out plus it will swish around pretty good on the next trip.

So far so good for 13 years.
Google "Geo Method RV Tanks".  The science behind this is sound and it worked well for us when we had a black tank.  Not a replacement for thorough flushing of the tanks, rather in addition to as a helper.  It helps to keep debris from sticking to not only the sensors, but the walls of the tanks.  Another solution, though pricier,  is to consider replacing your existing sensors with See level sensors which adhere to the outside of the tanks, rather than internally.
Gizmo said:
Google "Geo Method RV Tanks".  The science behind this is sound and it worked well for us when we had a black tank.  Not a replacement for thorough flushing of the tanks, rather in addition to as a helper.  It helps to keep debris from sticking to not only the sensors, but the walls of the tanks.  Another solution, though pricier,  is to consider replacing your existing sensors with See level sensors which adhere to the outside of the tanks, rather than internally.

Ummm...That was the link I posted earlier. Chuck
chuckbear said:
Ummm...That was the link I posted earlier. Chuck

Yes I saw it, but if the OP Googles it, it will return other links as well including You Tube that may also help.
Rene T said:
I would love to find, and I'm sure everyone else would also, a detergent that would clean the sensors in my tanks. Right now, my black and one of my gray water tanks read 3/4 full and I just dumped them. I have a black water flusher and I let it run for 5 minutes. I'm thinking about dumping a whole bottle of something like Mr. Clean or similar in each tank, fill them and let them sit for a couple of days. Any recommendations?????

After 50+ years of RV'n.. and being anal about things that Don't Work.. Out of frustration.. I just don't hardly ever Use, Or Even Look... at the Dang Fake/False Tank Level Indicators Rene. We go by TIME & USE, based on the number of folks using the facilities during the stay.

But.. After using/trying everything mentioned, short of the upgrades, I've found the 3-4(+) ounces of Dawn Dish soap.. and the Road Trip home, or to the next destination seems to work the Best. Now & then, in addition to the Dawn, I dump in 3-4 ounces of strait..  Simple Green too ?

I always do the.. Dump, triple rinse thing.. then Water & Dawn while not in use. Then they get a good Sloshing, on the way to the next outing ?

'bout as good as it gits ?


(If we're going to be stationary for awhile, I go a little heavier on the Dawn ?)

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