Storing the 50am power cord

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Well-known member
Aug 11, 2013
My 50amp power cord is big and heavy and takes up alot of space in the compartment. One of my upcoming projects is to to some basement compartment reorganization.

I've seen the power cord reels (like Morryde), however it looks like they're only designed for detachable power cords. Mine is ATTACHED.

Anybody here with an attached power cord figure out a clean way to store the cord and take up less space?

I see some people have modified the rig by cutting the cord and essentially making it detachable, but I'd rather not do that.
I have one of these (from Technology Research) and it does the job.  I liked the last one I had better which was more powerful and rolled the cord into a "tub" instead of onto a reel.

When you install a cord/reel like the above, you will have to hard wire it in.  Maybe that's what you are asking about??
Ideally, I'd have some way to coil the cord up without modifying anything. The solution you linked to would require modification. An option, but not sure this is a problem worth spending $600 to fix.  :)
How to convert an "Attached" to a Detatchable two methods

Step one Pull the cord out all the way.

A few (six or so) inches above ground CUT THE CORD (hacksaw works well. NOTE DO NOT be plugged in

Method 1 (Method 2)
Install a 50 amp RV plug on the Remaining attached cord (A 50 amp MARINCO "inlet"  or Male connector)
Install a 50 amp RV outlet on the cut off end (50 amp Marinco Socket type (female) connector)

Job done.
My Journey came with a hose hanger built in the compartment.  Maybe you could buy one and attach it to a wall in your power cord compartment.
Glendinning is the best known manufacturer of shore cord reels and the one that most high-end coaches use (and many yachts as well).

Here is their 50A, powered reel RV model:

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