Soft spot repair info

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
Hey guy's I have developed soft spots in front of the sink/stove area. There was a leak in the water heater feed line that is fixed now. I have never seen evidence of another leak in that area. The soft spot is growing and I need to fix it soon. Problem is I don't trust repair guys to tell me the truth on the reality of the repairs. I'm also a full timer so fixing it quickly would be nice. I'm currently in the Cincinatti area so if anyone has any experience having a repair place fix soft spots or knows of a reputable repair place in that area I'd appreciate it.
Are you talking about the counter top being soft or something else like the floor.?? The only fix for the floor I can see is removing the floor covering and have a look. The truth will appear!! You may be able to cut out the soft piece of flooring and put in a new piece of plywood using battens if no suitable beams appear nearby.
It is the floor and I don't have time to do the repairs because I work 50-70 hours a week. Need to have someone else do them.
You basically have two (or 3) Choices depending on how soft.

1: Take it to a shop
2: Mobile RV technician. I know one that does that kind of work but alas Flint, MI
3: If not too soft. Live with it till you can work on it.
If the SOURCE of the leak is identified and fixed, the spot should not be growing, or not much.  I agree with John's  choices.
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