Charleston Ore. Tuna 8/6

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Broke Boater

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2017
Brentwood, Northern Kookafonia
The wind has been blowing offshore here in N. Ca. for a few weeks now keeping me land locked. There was a good weather window out of Charleston and after looking at the Satellite shots of the water up there, it looked like the right kind 45 miles offshore. We decided to make the 550 mile drive to chase Albacore. My crew was going to be my wife Lisa and my son who lives in Eugene now. Loaded up the camper and the dogs, hooked up my boat and headed north to Charleston. Since this a last minute decision, I got the very last spot at the Rv park, a postage stamp size of a spot, but at least I got it. It's really not a Rv park as it is a fish camp at the harbor. No one complains when you get up at 3am hooking the boat up and making some noise, they know its about fishing there. If this was planned ahead, I woulg get a pull thru. Fished Sunday and found willing fish ready to bite. My wife and son are newbies to this game and struggled learning the ropes managing 8 trolling rods and lost several fish. But at the end of day we had 14 Albi's on ice in the box. The next day Lisa wanted a day to rest before driving home, she got her butt kicked reeling fish combined with running 45 miles offshore on the ocean and  my son Chris had to leave to go back to work. So with no crew to fish a second day, l hung out with her and we relaxed eating like royals and a few cocktails, BS'n with the local Ore. boys camped there. Got a nice break from the heat and smoke from the fires. Now I have some canning to get done today,,,gregg


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The bumper mounted bbq I built has worked out so awesome, I love it. We walked down to the local fish market and bought Oysters and clam chowder, all fresh and farmed there. Also traded some Tuna loins to a guy who caught a 90lb Halibut for a huge piece of Halibut. Hard to beat fresh Sea food,,,gregg


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