canvas zipper pull broke

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New member
Aug 31, 2018
My 2003 bonair canvas zipper pull decided to break one day out camping, we tired various other pulls from a fabric shop and none of them worked, anyone got any suggestions as bonair is out of business and i cant seem to find one on  the interweb?


  • IMG_20180826_130926.jpg
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Did you get upholstery size?  As I understand it,the pull has come apart from the zipper teeth?  If the local fabric store doesn't have it,perhaps an upholstery shop.  Wish I could be of more help.
The problem is, it looks like the zipper pull also acts as the gizmo that catches a piece inside the zipper to keep it from unzipping,  Kind of like a blue jean pants zipper, or a Carhart jacket.  You might ask a local seamstress or canvas shop.
The pull in that picture is in perfect condition. The SLIDE however.. now that's another story.

You could sew in a new zipper.. Been known to do that myself.
Look around for someone who repairs outdoor gear. If you have a local REI or outdoor shop, ask them who does repairs in the area. A commercial sewing machine shop might also know who does that kind of work. And yes, your zipper pull looks fine, but the zipper has pulled out. Might need a new zipper, might just need pushing the zipper back on. Not an uncommon issue on backpacks or tents, for example.

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