Water stains on ceiling

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2009
Oakwood Tx
had roof leak, fixed roof. now how do I get rid of all these stains, any suggestions appricated
I had good luck with oxyclean carpet stain remover and a shop vac. This was on white Winnebago carpet ceiling. Spray and let sit awhile then vacuum to dry.
If you go to Amazon and search for ceiling stain remover you will get many pages of products to choose from. If you can't remove the stains then just paint over them with something like Kilz.
I just saw some stuff on a TV commercial that is supposed to work wonders on ceiling stains, but I can't recall the name of it. If it's advertised on TV, it must work. Haha
    We always used the "Little Green Machine" carpet cleaner, then rinsed with clean warm water.  However, we also used a clean cloth dampened with clothes bleach, but you really need to be careful as the bleach will discolour the carpet of upholstery if you drip, so we moved on to the Green Machine.

All the above are simply light duty bleach solutions, e.g. the Oxyclean or peroxide.  Good place to start. If not successful, carefully increase the bleaching agent (chlorine or peroxide) strength and dab with a Q-Tip (small areas) or a larger cotton swap or pieces of sponge. Cover surfaces below cause a drip or two is inevitable not matter how careful you are.
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