Oxygenic Shower head

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2005
Benson , AZ.
One of the first upgrades to our Southwind when we bought it, it has been great,  Well bought a new one for the Winnie yesterday and not sure what happened but it feels nothing like our old one.  Switched back to original head tonight.  Have they modified their system in 10 years?
That's what I've been reading while trying to decide whether to buy one.  Did you get the Body Spa or a different model?  So far, I've only read that the Body Spa has changed.  Our last one was great, but had it's drawbacks.
I am interested in this thread as I had heard these were good and was thinking about changing our shower head to one.  When we are on city water our shower is not too bad so are these worth getting?  Based on your post Bill I am not sure now...    :D
Found packaging,  it is the Body Spa.  Our original, (which is in our old MH and probably fetched next time we are near), was one of the originals.  We were looking for one with easy on/off button.  Some use a twist portion at the base of the handle to turn off water, tough to use with soapy hands.  This one has a nice push button! 

I will repack it and exchange for the non body spa version.  We really liked our old one which prompted buying this one. 
I have no old head to compare, but I recently got the Body Spa head.  I used it for the first time this weekend while camping.  I was blown away by the spray and the pressure from the head!!  I was using the fresh water tank and and on board pump.  This is the least expensive, single spray, hand held with shut off button unit.  I am delighted with mine!
Our current head shows 2.5gallons per minute which looks to be the same as the Oxygenic Head so can one of you tell me the difference, does it push the water our harder as the spray head is smaller?

Well the Oxy is 2.0 GPM but the advertisement claims it mixes air and water to give a more "Intense" shower... I can tell you it's nice... Being a "Short hair" most of the time (When I feel to...er.. shaggy I visit the clip joint and return to "Short hair") I can't prove it's that much more effective but I like it.
My factory shower head was totally inadequate.  The pressure produced a dribble sort of spray.  Unacceptable!
The Oxygenics mixes air with the water, so it is pushing more "stuff" out of the head, albeit much of the stuff is air.  It DOES produce a nice, full pressure shower even on the pump, not shore water.
We are going to try this shower Head. I just ordered it about an hour ago. It has great reviews and it's less than $20. I figure it's worth a try.

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