Wireless or not graphic drawing tablet?

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New member
Oct 9, 2018
Hi guys

If this topic is covered elsewhere I apologize. Been doing a lot of researching on tablets for use with my photography and I think I'm going for the XP-Pen DECO 03. I see it comes with wireless connectivity and I'm wondering how effective it is as it's a feature you obviously pay for and if it's not that reliable then maybe the cheaper xppen OSU Star G640S models more useful?.I'd like to make full use of it's features with Photoshop .

Oh, and here the tablet itself: https://www.xp-pen.com/goods/show/id/314.html

Are there any that you suggest? what is a good graphics tablet for a beginner while keeping it under $100 ? Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance .
While there are as many amateur photographers here as anywhere, this site is primarily for RV enthusiasts. Your question might get more & better answers on a website devoted to tablets or photography.
For photography I use a wacom tablet.  ive found that the smaller one works as good or better than the bigger expensive ones. 
Reason being with a smaller size your NOT moving your hand as far as you would with a bigger one. Doesnt sound like much but if you spend 40 hours editing a wedding ,  that few inches makes a big difference after a while.
Im very happy with it. 
BUT if your NOT used to using one, here is what you haveto do. 
Take your mouse, unplug it and put it away for 7 days...
You'll then get used to the tablet. after a while you wont want to go back to the mouse.

Its NOT wireless though.

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