Battery tender advice?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2018
Upstate NY
Only recently became aware of these battery tender gizmos. Sounds like a good idea to use on the vehicles we leave behind for a few months this winter. Two winters ago we got stuck in the snow late at night returning home in February. Trudged through the snow (1,500 foot driveway) to get to the 4WD pickup in the garage, only to discover it had a dead battery. Was not fun digging out the tractor to go rescue my wife and critters waiting not so patiently!  :)

Prices seem to be all over the place for battery tenders. Anything special about the more expensive models, or do they all work pretty much the same?
I've been using a Deltran Battery Tender Plus for years. Does exactly what it's supposed to.

I just can't bring myself to trust the cheap Harbor Freight knock-offs.
I agree the Deltran Battery Tender plus is a great unit, but if you want to save money Harbor freight has this 1.5 amp sealed unit for about half the price at $17.99  I have one of these Harbor Freight maintainers on my standby generator to keep its battery charged, and it has been working fine outdoors in a semi protected area for 8 or 9 years now.  Just don't buy the ultra cheap $9.99 model that looks like a computer power adapter.
I would go with the Deltran. they come in a couple (Several) sizes. Most are 1-2 amps. some are 3-4 Some can do multiple independent batteries.. MINE does 1-2 amps in TENDER mode  20 amps in CHARGER mode and 70 amp's (or so it says) in JUMP START mode.. Yup it is a multi function box.. WOrked real good when my converter crashed.. Have used it a couple times since when I had battery issues.

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