Hearst Castle

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Well-known member
Feb 8, 2015
Is the Hearst Castle worth the effort and expense?  Can I purchase tickets as a walk-up versus buying on line?
Yes, Hearst Castle is worth the expense. Reservations are almost always required. 
Yes and when you are done at the castle continue north.
Also, if your headed to the Los Angeles  area. The Nethercutt museum should be on your must see list. It`s free, but you definitely need a reservation. www.nethercuttcollection.com  You might think, it's just cars.  Whole lot more than that.
Went there about four years ago and the tour prices were really high. So high we didn't go on the tours.

We had been through it about 30 years ago and really enjoyed the tours but they have priced themselves out of my league.

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