RV Through Joshua Tree NP

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Don't know but here is their website with a phone number.


Storm damage has closed all the dirt roads according to their website.
You could, except for last week"s flash flood damage noted above.  The south entrance is closed and access roads to the West entrance are torn up.  That just leaves the TwentyNine Palms north entrance with unrestricted access.
Thank you. I have searched their website but I guess will have to call them in the morning.

I should have stated the RV is 36' plus the toad. Was hoping someone with approximately the same size has driven through there and can tell me how it went.
Don't want to leave the dog behind in the RV in case of ac failure. So thinking that bringing him with in the RV would be better.

Just want to do some quick research on one the the loop trails. Don't even need to hike it so we wouldn't be long, but still too long if dog were left behind.
How did I miss that the west entrance would be a problem? Thanks for the info guys. Very helpful!

You won't have any problem on the main road, it all depends on what kind of shape it and the south and west entrances are in.  Cottonwood Campground near the south entrance is closed, with the remaining campgrounds having to take up the slack that likely eliminates being able to stay overnight in the park. 
Lou, have you heard when they expect to reopen the South entrance.  We're thinking of staying at Cottonwood during the Thanksgiving holiday and prefer not to drive through the entire park to get there.  BTW, the NPS site says only one of the Cottonwood loops is closed.  Are you sure they're both closed?

Gary, all I know is what is on the NPS site referenced above.  Yesterday they said the entire Cottonwood campground was closed, now it's just the B loop.  I suggest bookmarking the NPS page and/or calling for an update closer to Thanksgiving.
Thanks guys.

Used West entrance at 8 am. Park was very quiet with plenty of places to park the RV. Was only there for some quick research, so in and out went great!
tstumpf said:
Thanks guys.

Used West entrance at 8 am. Park was very quiet with plenty of places to park the RV. Was only there for some quick research, so in and out went great!

Did you go as far as Cottonwood campground?   
No, sorry. Never saw it. Not that it matters at this late date. It must be dried up by now.
We just drove through from the south entrance to the west entrance, with our truck not the 5'r.  It is easily passable with an RV.  There is one place near the south entrance that part of the road is washed out and it's one lane for a short period, but no problem to get through.
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