Strange Sleep Number behavior

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Jan 13, 2005
We've had Sleep Number beds (and one knock-off) in our homes and the coach for many years. Apart from a leak in a seam on the knock-off, and a bad remote on a SN, we've had no issues until ...

A few nights ago I awoke to a repeating 'clunking' sound. At the same time I realized that my half of the SN bed was almost flat (I usually have it inflated to 100/max). That's when I figured the clunk was coming from one or more valves inside the SN pump. When I tried to re-inflate my side, the pump ran but the air bag didn't inflate.

It's the middle of the night, and I don't wish to wake Chris so I can move/lift the mattress to more easily get to the pump. Instead, I relocate to the sofa for an uncomfortable night. The following day I reached under the bed and used my 'thump the pump' fix. My guess was correct (i.e. a stuck valve), and it became unstuck. The bag inflated, and has stayed that way.
This hi tech fix reminded me of the time we were being met at SFO by a limo. All the other limos in line had their trunks up/open (ready to load luggage), but ours had the hood up/open. The driver explained that the engine wouldn't start, and his boss had called for help. A guy who's business is 'fixing' limos in/around SFO airport eventually showed up.

He got out of his truck carrying a hammer and a piece of wire with alligator clips. He explained that a common no-start issue was a stuck or bad starting solenoid, and proceeded to thump the solenoid with his hammer. When it still didn't start, he hot-wired the limo and it fired right up. Good enough to get the limo to the shop for a permanent fix. Meanwhile, we sat on the median waiting for a 'replacement' limo to show up, which it eventually did.
My first car was a '64 Dodge with 100k+ miles.  Frequently used the same method on my starter.  In school and too poor to buy a rebuilt one.
When I worked at the Chevy dealers, we'd beat on the gas tank with a rubber mallet to try and get one more start out of a bad fuel pump so we wouldn't have to push the car into the shop.
When you see a lead that says "Strange Sleep Number behavior", you've got to wonder what "strange sleeper behavior" is going on.,,,, :eek: >>>D
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