What sealant I should use?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2012
I noticed a small leak on the plastic connector that brings cold water to the water heater.  The water heater connection is aluminum. What kind of sealant should I use to take care of it?
    Is it a threaded connector that you could undo and put a sealing ring on it.  It is very tough sealing a leak in a pressurized line from the outside.  You may have to cut a piece off then add 2 connectors.

Is it possible to upload a picture?

If not, just tighten the connector a bit, but don't break it.  ;)
"West System" two part "G-flex" epoxy will seal it, but you'll never be able to get it apart if it is a threaded connection.
I have had excellent results with it on water heater connections and water filter connections

Jack L
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