Guns and ammo at Camping World

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
Ocala, Florida
Stopped at Camping World in Summerfield, Fl to use a gift certificate.  Was surprised to see they are now selling guns and ammo. 
Probably part of the Gander Mountain purchase they did a couple of years ago.
If their pricing is as high as it is on their non gun related stuff, they should have a lot of inventory for a long time.  I have to admit, Camping World is NOT a place I would actively look for guns and ammo type stuff.  It'a almost like a bad joke in some ways.
kdbgoat said:
Probably part of the Gander Mountain purchase they did a couple of years ago.

No Probably at all.  Gander Mountain sells/sold this stuff so now CW does as well since they bought up GM.    First thing I noticed when I walked into one of the newly reopened combined stores.
xrated said:
If their pricing is as high as it is on their non gun related stuff, they should have a lot of inventory for a long time.  I have to admit, Camping World is NOT a place I would actively look for guns and ammo type stuff.  It'a almost like a bad joke in some ways.
Can't be worse  price wise than Bass Pro.  We live in their home town with their home store and beautiful museum.
It is a nice place to take your visitors but some of the prices make me cringe.  Still I did buy my protection piece and ammo there.

xrated said:
If their pricing is as high as it is on their non gun related stuff, they should have a lot of inventory for a long time.  I have to admit, Camping World is NOT a place I would actively look for guns and ammo type stuff.  It'a almost like a bad joke in some ways.

Bill N said:
Can't be worse  price wise than Bass Pro.  We live in their home town with their home store and beautiful museum.
It is a nice place to take your visitors but some of the prices make me cringe.  Still I did buy my protection piece and ammo there.


Not trying to turn this into the dreaded gun discussion, but if you know which one you would like to get, there are many online sellers that even after a shipping charge (many are free shipping), dealer transfer fee, etc., you can purchase at a considerable savings over places like Bass Pro, Gander, Cabelas, etc.  NOTE:  This is all done legally....FFL to FFL dealer transfers!
given the lack of professionalism I've seen at my local Camping World, I shudder to think how badly they might screw up the 4473 form, never mind the extra stuff places like CA require...
bigfatguy said:
given the lack of professionalism I've seen at my local Camping World, I shudder to think how badly they might screw up the 4473 form, never mind the extra stuff places like CA require...

If the 4473 form gets screwed up badly enough, you may not only get denied on the purchase, you might get a visit from some guys wearing three piece suits and wanting to know you on a first name basis!  ;D
xrated said:
If the 4473 form gets screwed up badly enough, you may not only get denied on the purchase, you might get a visit from some guys wearing three piece suits and wanting to know you on a first name basis!  ;D

I was led to believe the Men In Black movies were fiction.  8)
Oldgator73 said:
I was led to believe the Men In Black movies were fiction.  8)

They are fiction 8)...You didn't see what you thought you saw ::)....Now look here while I do my flashy thing :eek:
Gizmo100 said:
They are fiction 8)...You didn't see what you thought you saw ::)....Now look here while I do my flashy thing :eek:

You're gonna be sorry if Gator does his flashy thing back at cha'.
Oldgator73 said:
I was led to believe the Men In Black movies were fiction.  8)

Never saw the Movie you are referring to, but I'd say that if you turn in a 4473 form and the wrong box is check "yes" say are you a convicted felon..........or maybe Do you use illegal drugs or one of the many questions on the form, there might be some interest in finding the guys/gals from BATFE.  I'm just sayin'
I'll second the Bass Pro Shop being very proud of their stuff. $$$$$  The Springfield store is pretty nice though.
This is a great forum. We/you talk about guns/ammo, and don't get locked or banned for mentioning it. AND poke fun at each other about it. :)
xrated said:
Never saw the Movie you are referring to, but I'd say that if you turn in a 4473 form and the wrong box is check "yes" say are you a convicted felon..........or maybe Do you use illegal drugs or one of the many questions on the form, there might be some interest in finding the guys/gals from BATFE.  I'm just sayin'

Men in Black. Will Smith & Tommy Lee Jones. Aliens.
Didn't Camping World's CEO Marcus Lemonis tell Trump supporters to stay out of his stores ?

That's probably the majority of gun enthusiast right there...???
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