Looking for Information on Put-in-Bay

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New member
Jan 12, 2019
Hello, we are planning our summer vacations with the RV and wondered if any of you have ever visited Put-in-Bay Ohio https://www.visitputinbay.org From the Visitors Bureau website, it appears there are 2 campgrounds but they are closed for the season at this time and I am having a hard time getting information. I can see that is is an island and we would have to take the RV over on a ferry but goes anyone know if reservations are required or how much the ferry boat costs?

I also looked here but again not much information. https://www.ohio-put-in-bay.com/camping/

If anyone has any experience with camping here please let me know.
Looking at RVParkReviews looks like South Bass Island State Park is well rated. There is a link to the state park website. No info is available on Foxes Den.

Here's a link to Miller's Ferry.  They are the ones to use for vehicles.  The jet express is only for passengers. https://www.millerferry.com/put-in-bay/put-in-bay-schedule/ 

Nice place to visit.  Perry's monument, a winery, fishing.  Lots of bars and restaurants, a big party place. 

Personally, I would camp on the mainland, and take the ferry out for the afternoon/evening. 

Have fun!
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