Has anyone here removed the RiverPark 9" GPS/radio from a Winnebago ERA?

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2013
My ERA came with that horrible 9" screen GPS "infotainment" system.

I could get a pretty nice double-DIN android-auto capable radio system from Crutchfield, with DIY-support for the installation, for less than $400 on the low end, and less than $1K on the high end.

My worry, though, is removing teh current system. Getting the dashboard apart seems pretty easy, and the radio/screen itself should be held in by a few screws, but this radio system has a 2nd component: a computer "box" that takes the place of a cubbyhole below the radio... and I'm not sure what that device is connected to.

If anyone here has removed that radio from their RV, can you give me any advance warning? is there anything problematic in the installation taht would make removal difficult? Any non-standard connectors I need to be worried about? will reconnecting the camera and subwoofer amp to the new stereo require the normal process and hardware?
bigfatguy said:
My ERA came with that horrible 9" screen GPS "infotainment" system.

I could get a pretty nice double-DIN android-auto capable radio system from Crutchfield, with DIY-support for the installation, for less than $400 on the low end, and less than $1K on the high end.

My worry, though, is removing teh current system. Getting the dashboard apart seems pretty easy, and the radio/screen itself should be held in by a few screws, but this radio system has a 2nd component: a computer "box" that takes the place of a cubbyhole below the radio... and I'm not sure what that device is connected to.

If anyone here has removed that radio from their RV, can you give me any advance warning? is there anything problematic in the installation taht would make removal difficult? Any non-standard connectors I need to be worried about? will reconnecting the camera and subwoofer amp to the new stereo require the normal process and hardware?
I also need some help with this. Help is highly appreciated as I am nearing my Vans remodeling of the interior so needed to know about some connectors and stuff.

Thanks in advance,
Welcome to the RV Forum Oliver

Just guessing the OP didn't get any responses after 2 months so you will likely not see a lot of help on this issue. Hopefully the OP will see this and offer some insight. 
From discussions with the engineers at Crutchfield.com, I don't think it would be that bad. That site seems to do a good job setting you up with the connectors, adaptors, etc.

I did swap out the stereo in my Bronco, so I've been through the process at least once now, and I do feel like I could tackle the RV.

Ultimately, the process is just: get an adaptor to connect to the Van, an adaptor to connect to the stereo, and then wire-by-wire, connect the two adaptors to each other so the whole thing works. (the wires to be connected are color-coded).

In the end, I may just go with a pro anyway, as I'd like to get a couple of side-view cameras installed as well, but if you are just doing an installation of the radio, and not terrified at the sight of wires, I think you'd be able to work your way through.

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