Recommended route: WI North Woods to Akron, OH

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2019
Google Maps and RVParky like I-39 south to I-90 to ... Chicago.  Through Chicago to I-80.

I'm looking at different ways around  Chicago.  Sorry, we're not interested in a 2:00 AM drive through the city  ;)

Also, after Chicago, Hwy 30 through Ft. Wayne as opposed to the I-80 toll route?

Thanks for any ideas!
I haven't driven US 30 between Chicago and Fort Wayne.  But I have driven US-30 between Ft Wayne and Masilon , Ohio many times, then I-71 to US 224 into Akron.  That is all very good road.
Lowell said:
I haven't driven US 30 between Chicago and Fort Wayne.  But I have driven US-30 between Ft Wayne and Masilon , Ohio many times, then I-71 to US 224 into Akron.  That is all very good road.

Very helpful, thanks!
Lowell said:
I haven't driven US 30 between Chicago and Fort Wayne.  But I have driven US-30 between Ft Wayne and Masilon , Ohio many times, then I-71 to US 224 into Akron.  That is all very good road.

I should have said Mansfield, Ohio, not Masilon
The last time I drove this was from Oshkosh Wisconsin to Massillon Ohio. I don't remember what route I took to stay out of Chicago but I remember I stayed west and dropped down to Joliet. There I took US30 all the way to Massillon.

You could stay on I-39 down to US30 or on down to US52 and take that into Joliet and pick up US30.

Going to Akron I'd take US30 to Mansfield and pick up I-71 up to US224 then into Akron.

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