Finally! we are officially on the road!

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2015
Eastern Colorado
After adventures with medical issues, like colon cancer and open heart surgery, and waiting for weather,
We left Boulder County May 11, with a plan of being in the Palm Beach area by the 17th for grandkid's graduation.
The Mrs insisted that we avoid interstates, and metropolitan areas. No problem, says I.

That worked out OK for a couple of days. We made Dumas, Tx the first night.
There was a problem with the battery on the Saturn, and my first trip to WalMart fixed that.

I suspect few will be surprised to hear that we did not make it in time for the graduation.
We picked up US 82 out of Wichita Falls, TX, and made good time to Sherman, TX.
Looking at the flooding reports along the Mississippi, I decided that US 82 to Greenville, MS would be a good crossing point.
It was. Getting there, on the other hand, was another story, altogether. 82 is a fine highway across Texas. until it crosses I-30 at the Red River Arsenal neighborhood.
an hour later we got to wonder through Texarkana, looking for Arkansas.
Finding Arkansas, we realized that was not necessarily a good thing. 

A nice meandering two-lane road awaits. And, from El Dorado to Lake Village lies the WORST highway construction project I have ever seen.

The only nice thing that I can say about US-82 between Texas and Alabama is that there is a REALLY nice new bridge across the Mississippi River, instead of that rickety old thing I used to have to drive my Semi over back in the old days.

We made it to Troy, AL at midnight the 15th, capping what I hope and pray will prove to be the worst two days of RV travel we will ever experience.
No problem, says I. shoot over to US 27, and head south. We're home free.
Google and Garmin agree.
585 miles to go. One day to get there? Good luck with THAT!

We did make Ocala.
US 27 used to be a wonderful road that you could run all the way to Sebring, and then take US 98 around the north side of the Lake, and make West Palm in a few short hours.

Again, Good Luck with that.

We made it to Lion Country KOA just under the bell. A day late, but Safe and Sound.

Glad you made it OK....You were stopping in some of my back yard...Troy Al, Not sure were you stayed but not a place I would want to spend the night.....Highway 27 ...I've driven many times when I was working  And the back highways in South AR can get pretty rough.
darsben said:
You have learned the number one lesson of RV living. Always plan a lot of extra time into your travels. Not only for road conditions but to allow you to stop if you want to without worrying about time.

Yessir. Lesson learned.
After some fifty years and a million or so miles on the road, Who'da thunk making 250-300 miles in a day would have been a challenge?

We now will tell folks, "yup, we'll be there when we get there."
I'm sorry it was such a trial, but it WAS pretty exciting to read! :D

Florida's highway system is in chaos these days. Hopefully you avoided the horror that is I-4.

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