Mini rally in Maine

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Jan 13, 2005
From Jim Dick's 8/15/2019 Facebook post (with permission). Mini rally of long-time forum members, including 3 forum staffers; What a wonderful group of folks all in one place ...
"On Tuesday we drove to Gorham, ME to visit with two couples who have been long time RV friends, Fred & Daisy Thomas and Ken & Sheila Kuch. It was a great visit."

Ist photo, left to right: Ken Kuch, Fred Thomas (seated), Daisy Thomas, Jim Dick.
2nd photo, left to right: Pat Dick, Fred Thomas, Daisy Thomas, Shelia Kuch.


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Fred and Daisy were two of the first RV Forum members we met, at the 1995 1985 forum rally in Plymouth, CA. Daisy recalled some memories of their visit to Chris' home town in South Wales, UK.
Just seeing those eight precious faces triggered a flow of wonderful memories.  Love each and every one of them!
[quote author=Tom and Margi]Just seeing those eight precious faces ...[/quote]
Who are the other 2 people  ???
Tom said:
Who are the other 2 people  ???
Oh, just wait till you get old, Tom, and can no longer count right.  ;)  Maybe I mentally counted in Terry and Betty Brewer or the Ruwards or the Fosters or Lou Schneider or Bob and Joyce Zambanini or you and Chris?  Those were memory rich days.  :D
LOL Margi, I couldn't resist teasing you  :)

Thanks for posting. My photos didn't turn out looking good.

We had a great visit with the Fred&Daisy and Jim&Pat.


Ken, we truly wish we'd have been there to be with all 6 special people.
Thanks for posting the mini-rally photos, Tom.  I'm with Margi - it's so good to see those wonderful faces again!


Agreed.  Cindy and I had a very nice visit with Fred and Daisy in their Sierra Vista home shortly before they decided to move back to Maine.  They're very special people!
Most on the Forum might not know that the 6 of us were part of the Forum New England group back on the mid 90s. The New England group had a number of rallies. North Stonington, CT;  Dorset, VT;  Essex Jct, VT at the FMCA New England rally; and the last was at Westfield, CT at the Highland games. Mid nineties, I guess we're getting old!

Chet18013 said:
Great to see the "old folks" of the forum. Fred & Daisy were the first RVForum members that Laurie and I met back in 1994 when we made our first RV trip to the maritimes. Brings back lots of memories.

Chet was another member of the "New England" group back in the 90s.

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