Hybrid/expandable/extendable campers

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Aug 20, 2019
Hi.  New here to the forum.  We are considering replacing our 2000 Coleman pop-up because I am getting tired of having to set it up and take it down all the time.  Because I love the open feel of all the windows open and the canvas sides, I am considering a hybrid - hard sided with beds that pop out the front and back like a pop-up.  Would I be better asking for opinions on these on this thread or the travel trailer/5th wheel thread?  Thanks in advance!
Hi and welcome to the forum.  I stepped form a pup to a class C a few years ago and have NEVER regretted it.
I understand what you mean about the canvas and I do miss that...but I don't mess dealing with wet tenting on teh last morning going home...and I surely don't miss the set-up!
A lot depends on where, and how you travel.  For me given the spread of bear territory back closer to their historical range in recent years, I would not personally opt for a soft sided RV.  Sure most are black bears, but still an issue if food is in the RV.

p.s. a lot of the range maps you see for bears are out of date, we have a few black bears in the wooded areas along the Louisiana / Texas state line area, even though the nearest bear territory I see on any maps is either western Arkansas , of the Atchafalaya basin 120+ miles away.
Hi, I was wondering the same thing about which forum to use. My wife and I bought a used hybrid / extendable yesterday. A Jay Feather. Moving up from the popup we bought this summer. The big thing was cupboards, drawers, and other handy storage while camping and also the set up and take down work involved with the pop-up. Having an actual bathroom is awesome too. We take delivery in a week or so.
The only difference in setting up a hybrid vs a popup is raising the roof. You still have to dry them out after a rain or even a heavy dew. They are very hard to heat or air condition because of the canvas. If you like the tent experience why not keep the popup and buy a hard sided RV? We did and have the best of both worlds. You won't get much for a 20 year old popup anyway.
Set up of the hybrid (expandable) is much easier. There is far more usable cabinet space available. And if we get to a campground in the pouring rain, we can sleep on the couch and dinette without extending the main beds. And it's newer, has two axles, an actual bathroom, and other features we like. The biggest factor in buying a hybrid as opposed to a travel trailer is the room vs weight ratio. We aren't facing buying a new tow vehicle with the expandable. It fits our needs and we like it. Others may choose a different path. Thanks for your comments.
Would I be better asking for opinions on these on this thread or the travel trailer/5th wheel thread? 
I'd use the Travel Trailer (TT) section because it has more in common with a TT than a PUP, but it's not a big deal either way.  In my opinion, a hybrid is a travel trailer with slideout(s).  The slideouts happen to be made of fabric and thus have some use & care similarities with pop-ups, but the unit as a whole is a travel trailer. Walls, roof, plumbing, electric, appliances, are all TT, and towing one is no different than any other TT.
TheBar said:
The only difference in setting up a hybrid vs a popup is raising the roof. You still have to dry them out after a rain or even a heavy dew. They are very hard to heat or air condition because of the canvas. If you like the tent experience why not keep the popup and buy a hard sided RV? We did and have the best of both worlds. You won't get much for a 20 year old popup anyway.

I LIKE this idea!  We've been tent camping for years and recently bought a pop up this summer and camped using it few times.  We like it very much.  I have three teenagers and get help in setting up and folding down, if I ask for help :).  Even without their help, when do all the work myself, it is not too much hassle or burden for me (in my opinion), and I do enjoy it (probably will get tired after a while) and look for something that OP is talking about!
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