Verizon changes EVDO data plan contract period/price

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
I've been conversing with Alex Sian at the 3gstore and and he gave me the following news re Verizon Wireless EVDO/broadband service contracts:

"Just FYI, since I know a LOT of potential customers have stayed away
from EVDO service because the best monthly rate was only available
with the longer two year contract...

Verizon's One Year contract is also now available for just $59.99/mo.

Of course, the catch is that the upfront equipment will cost you more,
but everything in life is a compromise, right?"

Since the contract applies only to a data card and not a data plan feature on a phone, I'm assuming that EVDO (broadband) service on a tethered cell phone is unaffected by this.

I checked the VZW web site but it still shows an equipment discount only for a two year plan. I don't know if that means there is no discount on a 1 year plan or if they simply haven't updated the web sute yet. If anybody finds out, I would aprreciate a follow up message here.
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