DirectTV coverage

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked

How do you watch your Packers when you are traveling.  I was sorry to discover that if I opt for Direct TV national local service, then I lose the ability to sign up for the NFL package.  I would go ahead and give up local coverage to be able to watch my beloved Ravens, but the Admiral would hang me out to dry if she could not watch her beloved soaps.
Can you sign up for Direct TV with "hoboken" local coverage? That way your wife gets her local soaps and unless the hoboken mud-dogs are not playing to a packet house that the 200 seat hoboken stadium you get your waste of enegery (Sports) programming too.

Personally... Loss of sports programming would not bother me at all..... Though the wife might be upset

How many places, or times do you think you will not receive local stations off your ant?  The sopa opera channel comes with the total choice plus pkg if you opt to go that route. (i think that's what it's called)  Along with the Miltary Channel, another Bio, SCi, and a couple of other things.

Or Maybe, You'll Be Too Busy to Watch the Boob Tube. TE He He

Well based on my 2003 trip I expect to be without local TV 50% of the time.  I just cannot believe that by opting for the national local coverage I lose out on the NFL package.  Grrrr.
Good question, Smokey.

Sometimes they will be on national coverage, other times you can find a restaurant that carries sports on their tv's. When all else fails you can hook up to and watch a play-by-play simulation. It just shows the field, ball position, previous downs before a first down, a marker across the screen for the first-down yardage, and text of who did what to whom, i.e. Joe Shmuck ran 12 yards for a first down and was tackled by the Flying Nun. Not exactly like being there, but better than nothing! 
Aye Karl I have used that application.  If I can't order the nfl package, I might sign up for the internet radio application.  I used it in 2003 when it was free.  Now I think they charge about 10 bucks a season or so.  I can pipe the laptop radio reception into the Newmar sound system and then catch the game anywhere inside or outside the coach.
NFL Sunday Ticket requires a permanent phone line, I believe.? So so the other sports packages.? Distant network channels with the RV waiver do not.
We are preparing to leave for Maine next week. How long does it take to put the waiver in place for National feed? And when we get back we can opt back to Seattle local stations for a couple of months can't we?

I doubt it will be processed in a week, but at least get it filed.  You can fax the form and supporting documentation as I recall.  As for switching between locals and distant networks, I can't answer but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me.  It may be cause to refuse the distant network stations waiver the next time.  Perhaps someone has done it and had no problem, but I don't know of anyone.
Ned said:
So so the other sports packages.

Ned FWIW I have DTV's sports package but don't have a phone hookup. I just told them I didn't have a phone jack in that corner of the room and Chris won't let me run a phone cord across the floor of our family room. The question comes up again each time I add/change/activate a receiver, but I provide the same response and they go ahead anyway.
Is that the NFL Sunday Ticket package or one of the generic sports ones?  I think the original question was about the Sunday Ticket.
It's not the Sunday ticket, but I was responding to this comment:

So so the other sports packages.

I haven't tried it, but I'm wondering if my same approach would work for the Sunday ticket, or is that something that can only be ordered via the receiver?
Everything I've heard and read indicates that the sports packages like NFL Sunday Ticket, baseball, hockey, etc. require a phone line.  I think they may get the scheduling from the phone and not the satellite for those.  Perhaps a perusal of the DirecTV web site would turn up some definitive information.
Checked the DirectTV website for local service. If I read the FAQ's right  once you tell them the receiver is in an RV they cannot sign you up for local programming, only the distant national service from LA or NY if you want it.

Since we will be back in Seattle area for several months I guess I'll leave our service alone.

Bummer ???
Ned said:
Everything I've heard and read indicates that the sports packages like NFL Sunday Ticket, baseball, hockey, etc. require a phone line.? I think they may get the scheduling from the phone and not the satellite for those.? Perhaps a perusal of the DirecTV web site would turn up some definitive information.

Ned, I have had the Full Court college basketball package for 7-8 years now. Originally, I just signed up when I had a land line connected. DirecTV then automatically renews the package each year, and charges my bill accordingly (in 2 easy payments) unless I call and tell them I don't want it anymore. No phone has been required or needed since the first year.

Smoky said:

How do you watch your Packers when you are traveling. I was sorry to discover that if I opt for Direct TV national local service, then I lose the ability to sign up for the NFL package. I would go ahead and give up local coverage to be able to watch my beloved Ravens, but the Admiral would hang me out to dry if she could not watch her beloved soaps.

You know that the local line up in NY area is CBS, NBC ABC and other NJ NY local trash  these start with channel 2. The major network feeds for the east coast can be found in the upper channels somewhere around 380, that is CBSE, NBCE, these are the ones mapped down to 2 & 4 etc. for the local package. When up in PEI after I lost local I just used the high channel network feeds.

When I try the high channel network feeds I am told to call an extension number.  I am assuming you have to pay to have them unlocked?

There are East and West coast feeds I get the East coast feed CBSE on 380, on 381 is CBSW which asks to call Customer Service. The enabling of the New York feeds may be related to my subscription to the New York local. I belive that as a fulltimer you can specify almost any of the feeds, since you are from MD you might like the NY feeds.

I just went through this today with direct tv on local channels while I have MLB extra innings.  You have to get them to send you wavier sheets and sign and return with a copy of your registration of your unit to show that you have a unit you travel in.  My receiver is the fourth on our plan and is just for the motorhome.  I am sure the NFL plan is the same.

When I got the waiver sheets a letter with them specifically explained that I could either get the waiver or the NFL package, but not both.  Did you get such a letter?

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