Bird Photos

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Jim Dick

Moderator Emeritus
Feb 11, 2005
Titusville, FL
It has been some time since I've been able to get the camera out and take some photos. The other day I spotted a hummingbird flitting around the yard. I had wanted to set up a feeder but hadn't gotten to it. Two days ago we stopped and bought a feeder and set it up. Within hours the hummingbirds had spotted it and started to feed. Today I set the camera up fairly close and attached my 100-400mm zoom. I've attached one of the photos I got. There was no sun and the hummingbirds certainly are quick. It just takes time and patience to get a photo. I hope to improve on these in the future.



  • CRW_4349_RT8_1.jpg
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Jim you are good, great photo and thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I have a great camera. :) I wasn't sure I'd get a decent photo since they are so fast. Just sat there and clicked the shutter. Out of 29 photos I have maybe 2 or 3 that are OK.

Nice shot Jim!

I've got a feeder hung from the awning of the bedroom and the little critters are there from 4:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. They've got to be in the Top Ten on "God's Greatest Hits" list. No fancy food; just sugar, water and orange or cherry Kool-Aid. They love it!... and they get their vitamin C :)
Thanks Ron,

Hummingbirds are really neat birds. I hope to get a few more photos before the summer is over. :)

Karl said:
Nice shot Jim!

I've got a feeder hung from the awning of the bedroom and the little critters are there from 4:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. They've got to be in the Top Ten on "God's Greatest Hits" list. No fancy food; just sugar, water and orange or cherry Kool-Aid. They love it!... and they get their vitamin C :)

Hi Karl,

Thanks. Yes, they are neat creatures. :) It's amazing to watch their antics as they go about feeding.


    If you want to stop the wings, then go to full automatic action setting.  It's the one with the running man symbol.  Otherwise, it's a good photo and I like the fact that you fully blurred the background so as not to detract from the subject.

Hi Ron,

I keep forgetting about that setting. :) I used the manual setting so I could control the depth of field and exposure.
Hi Smoky,

Thanks. I have the Canon Digital Rebel. I was using a 100-400mm image stablilized zoom on a tripod. I was probably 20' from the subject.
Jim, that is some serious diligence and skill. Very nice. Hummingbirds are awesome, I love watching them if they happen to fly into my life :)
Thank You for sharing.
androns said:
Jim, that is some serious diligence and skill. Very nice. Hummingbirds are awesome, I love watching them if they happen to fly into my life :)
Thank You for sharing.

Hi androns.  I just wanted to make you aware that this post is 14 years old.  Kinda easy to miss the date, but I just wanted you to know in case you don't get any response from the OP or others.  After this long, some of these folks may not be here anymore.

That being said, and since I never saw this one before, that is an awesome shot.
lol i wasn't aware this photo is 14 years old till i read the last post too.
nice shot and classic even after 14 yrs
Jim Dick said:
It has been some time since I've been able to get the camera out and take some photos. The other day I spotted a hummingbird flitting around the yard. I had wanted to set up a feeder but hadn't gotten to it. Two days ago we stopped and bought a feeder and set it up. Within hours the hummingbirds had spotted it and started to feed. Today I set the camera up fairly close and attached my 100-400mm zoom. I've attached one of the photos I got. There was no sun and the hummingbirds certainly are quick. It just takes time and patience to get a photo. I hope to improve on these in the future.

That's a great hummingbird flying picture. What camera and zoom lens you've used to that awesome shot?
frank1947 said:
That's a great hummingbird flying picture. What camera and zoom lens you've used to that awesome shot?

If you read a few posts back you will see.... ;)
I didn't notice date until reading Jimas post on what camera he was using.  I know his camera, and know the history of the camera he posted about.  That and the running man setting!

Hummingbirds are indie fascinating, and we have had them inZ, so far none here in FL for winter.  Guessing that summer photo was taken in CT.

Jim Dick said:
It has been some time since I've been able to get the camera out and take some photos. The other day I spotted a hummingbird flitting around the yard. I had wanted to set up a feeder but hadn't gotten to it. Two days ago we stopped and bought a feeder and set it up. Within hours the hummingbirds had spotted it and started to feed. Today I set the camera up fairly close and attached my 100-400mm zoom. I've attached one of the photos I got. There was no sun and the hummingbirds certainly are quick. It just takes time and patience to get a photo. I hope to improve on these in the future.

Nice Picture. 
Brings me back to a time, I remember we had 2 feeders in San Antonio,

Oh the Hummingbird activity!! 

I wish I had your camera. 

The images in my mind of these Tiny migratory creatures,

Yea, made me smile. 

What a trip..15 year old OG post.  OOOPs


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