Musical talent of RV Forum members

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Jun 11, 2008
Now theres a song.....right Tom?......Cliff  hahahahahaha

jeverden said:
While looking in my 99 Four Winds-Windsport's Ford Triton Engine, I found tons of mouse crap in there.
Also found some in the generator area.  Nasty.  No mice now though or any problems from them.
I will have to get it out with a vacuum attachment that can fit down there.
Good thing I have a really good cat.

[edit]Moved URL to sig line.[/edit]
Lots of meat for a song right there Cliff.

If anyone hasn't heard some of the songs that Cliff has written, sung, and recorded, click on the link in his signature line. Having previously bought a couple of his RV-related CDs, I can say that they're quite entertaining. With Cliff's permission, we even had a group singalong of one of his songs at one of our Moab rallies.

You can also hear clips of Cliff's songs on his web site. One of my favorites is Waltzing through WalMart, listed under RV Songs.
Thanks for the "Heads Up" on Cliff's talents.  REALLY good job recording and production on them, not to mention great song writing.  Love your voice.  I hope to meet you some day on the road or in a Walmart lot, Cliff.  You and my Sweet Nancy could have a time (She's pianist and muscially creative too).  I'm going to spend some more time on your site, but she's calling me away from the 'puter now.

Oops....  This thread is about mouse turds.  Sorry.  :)


Cliff certainly has some talent. Wouldn't it be great if we could get Cliff and Nancy together at a forum rally!
Tom said:

Cliff certainly has some talent. Wouldn't it be great if we could get Cliff and Nancy together at a forum rally!

I was thinking the same thing, Tom!  When we go on the road, you can count on it.  I very much enjoy and appreciate the feeling of relationship I sense on this forum and know that whenever we can join you guys it will be good.  I really hope Cliff and Nancy could get together. What a wonderful, honey-golden voice!  I'll be cobbling up a portable mini-mixer/pa system for her keyboard and mics just for fun.  I'll bet there's lots of talent, and not a few hams in the "framily".

Makes me all the more eager to enter the next stage of life, Tom.  Unfortunately, I've got some more time to put in here before then.

Drums/percussion, and a little harmonica played here.  ;)  Wife plays piano and violin.  Sounds like we've got quite an RV band forming!
I split these message from another topic and moved them here in order to retain the integrity of the original discussion, and to give this subject an opportunity to develop in its own right.
Some talent and creativity was revealed during a prior Moab rally, including forum staffer Jim Dick, an Irish piper. Check out some of the photos here.

Don't forget your buddy Dave plays the Dulcimer and Pat Dick has a beautiful voice. So, no need to sing alone. Maybe we can coax barbershopper Ned out of retirement  ;D
Dave Stringham said:
I have often volunteered to show up at anyones campsite with my accordian and tamborine and jump right into my own rendition of "Remember the Bossa Nova"........for some one ever takes me up on that    ;D

Would that be "Blame It On The Bossa Nova"?
Can't fit a baby grande piano in the Wanderlodge so I play a Yamaha portable grand keyboard, YPG625. Have been playing for a lot of years.



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...I play a Yamaha portable grand keyboard, YPG625. Have been playing for a lot of years.

Liz, could I sign up for lessons?

I was never able to read or play music, but made a passable attempt at singing (all Welshmen sing). I have the ability to hear a song and be able to reproduce it vocally. Several years ago I signed up with a barbershop chorus and learned a lot about singing techniques, but I still learned their songs by ear. It used to frustrate me when it was time to learn a new song and many of the guys could read the score, while others tapped it out on the keyboard.

Frustrated, I bought myself a Yamaha keyboard and some books, and taught myself to read a little music. I also took lessons with a guy who taught piano and organ. But my keyboard skills are about as good as my typings skills; Chris says I'm the fastest 1-finger hunt-and-peck typist she knows.

My objective in learning to read music and play the keyboard was to be able to correlate what I see on a score with what comes out of my mouth. Objective not achieved!
Only if I don't have to sing baritone any more

Base is gone, so you have two choices  ;D  OTOH if push came to shove, I could go up to barri.
Give me a couple of Irish whiskeys and I'll sing tenor :)  Bass is definitely out, unless I have a bad cold.
We shouldn't forget karaoke stars Smoky and Sharon.
Buy your own whiskey and you can sing whichever part you want  ;D

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