Going Home to Texas for Open Heart Surgery

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2005
Hondo, TX
Howdy, Framily.
I am going home to have my heart's mitral valve fixed.  I was supposed to go to the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH but my heart felt more comfortable with my decision to go home to Texas.  :)

We will travel in the company mini-van and leave here(SE FL) on August 19. Unfortunately we can't take the Wanderlodge. Wish we could. However after surgery I will not be able to drive for six weeks. Therefore I can't help Jack with the driving.  :mad:

My appointment with the heart surgeon is on August 23 at The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX.  Hopefully the surgery will follow soon thereafter.

Although I am apprehensive about all of this, I look forward to a healthier heart and being able to breathe a whole lot better.  :D  :D

If you have had open heart surgery and want to share your experience with me, I sure would appreciate it.

We will keep y'all updated.

Best regards,
You will be in Dorothy and my prayers Liz, best of luck.

Ned and I also wish you the best with your upcoming surgery and also a safe trip there and back.  Will certainly remember you in our prayers.
Our best wishes for a successful operation Liz.
I had coronary bypass in 1987 and they issued me a teddy bear to cuddle while I coughed. Ya' gotta' keep the air pipes open to prevent pneumonia. That bear made it possible to do that with a split sternum!

So good luck, keep breathing deep and look forward to hiking the corridors with your IV pole and drafty backside.
Best wishes Liz, and hey, you get an extra trip to Texas!  :)
I had open heart surgery in 2000 for fixing eight blockages - five were repaired by surgery, two by stents and one left because it couldn't be safely reached. I was out of hospital in 48 hours. The main reason for the fast release was that they did what is called beating heart surgery i.e. your heart is not stopped and thus no need for heart machine and breathing tubes and all the problems it entails. In otherwords , its just much less stressful to body. I don't know how many places are capable of doing the surgery; I had it done at the Medical University of South Carolina. My only problem was an adversion to food they called for but I soon found fresh fruit was very compatible and so I kept myself on it until normal meals became enjoyable. Beyond that I laid out a schedule for walking every day and maintained it. I essentially determined a number of laps around a physical object (a swimming pool)  to start walking each morning and then increased the number slowly over the days ahead. I combined this with a longer walk around the neighborhood. I had to stay in SC for 8 weeks because doctors were worried about my going from sea level to 7000 ft too fast. I never had any real problems. I just went for an exam at the Heart Center in UT last week. The doctor said my heart was in excellent shape -quiet and strong. GOOD LUCK with your surgery.
blueblood said:
I had open heart surgery in 2000 for fixing eight blockages - five were repaired by surgery, two by stents and one left because it couldn't be safely reached. I was out of hospital in 48 hours. The main reason for the fast release was that they did what is called beating heart surgery i.e. your heart is not stopped and thus no need for heart machine and breathing tubes and all the problems it entails. In otherwords , its just much less stressful to body. I don't know how many places are capable of doing the surgery; I had it done at the Medical University of South Carolina. My only problem was an adversion to food they called for but I soon found fresh fruit was very compatible and so I kept myself on it until normal meals became enjoyable. Beyond that I laid out a schedule for walking every day and maintained it. I essentially determined a number of laps around a physical object (a swimming pool)  to start walking each morning and then increased the number slowly over the days ahead. I combined this with a longer walk around the neighborhood. I had to stay in SC for 8 weeks because doctors were worried about my going from sea level to 7000 ft too fast. I never had any real problems. I just went for an exam at the Heart Center in UT last week. The doctor said my heart was in excellent shape -quiet and strong. GOOD LUCK with your surgery.

Howdy, Blueblood.
Thanks for your wishes and for sharing your experience. I don't know if beating heart surgery can be done with mitral valve procedures. Guess I'll ask the surgeon. Re: food, do you have to curtail your use of salt?

Jackliz said:
Howdy, Blueblood.
Thanks for your wishes and for sharing your experience. I don't know if beating heart surgery can be done with mitral valve procedures. Guess I'll ask the surgeon. Re: food, do you have to curtail your use of salt?


No, the doctors say just two things are necessary - weight control which in my case they have recommened I lose 1 pound a month over several years amd exercise that works heart.

However, not to mis-lead anyone, I never had a heart attack so my situation in different then many. For example, others I've known who had attacks before surgery were immediately referred to rehabilation. It was never suggested that I have any rehabilatation. Doctors at MUSC simply told me to go out and live normal - don't baby yourself. I've done it that way for 5 years; doing heavy lifting, driviing 500 + miles a day, etc and really not giving it any thought. Feel real blessed.

Betty and I send our very best wishes for a successful and uncomplicated surgery for you.
You will have plenty of time to recup before Quartzsite!!!

I will still look forward to seeing you there, better than ever.
Our SILs dad had surgery a couple of years ago.  He made a complete recovery and is now working again as a consultant - and playing golf.  Den's brother is waiting for the same operation over in Wales. 

We're thinking of you.


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