Can you mount air conditioner anywhere else than roof?

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New member
Jun 26, 2009
I am converting a double decker bus to a motorhome and due to the already high roof, I am concerned about mounting the a/c to it. I have the space to mount it to the back or to a space next to the drivers compartment on the hood in the front. Here is a link to a bus that is the same model as mine so you can see what I mean by the front.

Your help is very much appreciated.
That bus photo brings back lots of memories from my childhood in the UK. I hope you'll document your project and post photos periodically, because a number of us will be interested in following the progress.

Can't answer your question, but hopefully one of our techies will be along soon.
Absolutely. Just starting on it and got a long way to go, but I will definately be posting here.  ;)
There's a coleman off roof model used in many RVs.  I'm hoping to use one myself in my school bus conversion.

Good luck with your conversion, and I hope you share information about your progress.  :)

I hope this helps,
Mighty tall. Imagine folks can stand up on both levels, and I don't ever recall anyone having to stoop. OTOH I don't recall any 7+ foot guys or gals who used to ride those buses.
You can mount it anywhere it can get adequate airflow over the coils. Remember the fan is noisy and a lot of water (condensation) runs out from under it on humid days.
How about using a ductless split air conditioner instead of a typical RV unit?  Mount the outdoor unit down low and hang the indoor cooler(s) where you want them.

Do a Google search - there are several brands and prices for these.

BTW... I don't know what you mean by "rear mount" but I don't think you can mount a typical RV air conditioner on a vertical surface.
Ray D said:
Gotta ask. Can't help myself.

How tall is that bus?  ???

Ray D  :)

Thanks for your responses.

The bus is 13ft 3in. tall. I stand 5'7" tall, and my head has another 6 inches above it till you hit the roof (maybe a few more inches on top floor. So it isn't incredibily roomy in height, but it makes up for it in overal space being 8 ft wide and about 30 ft long or 430 sq ft (with bottom floor being shorter in length than the top). I want to full time but could not imagine living in a 30 something foot class A with me, my wife and my two children. Also, I could not afford one of those 100+ thousand dollar coaches. One day I was joking and said we should convert a double decker bus and one google search later we found one near by on craigslist. Waited a year and the guy dropped the price from $6,000 to $1,000. So here we go. haha.
Howdy, Karl.
Some buses use basement air conditioners.  There are bus conversion web sites that may give you further information. Bus Nuts Online is one. A search on Google might turn up additional sites. Also you might search on Neoplan buses, they are/were double-deckers.

Good luck,
Liz Pearce


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