A Good Book on RV Conversion

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Len and Jo

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2005
Well these RV's aka: motorized caravans are kind of a cross between a class 'B' and a Sherman tank.  I like to refer to them as Class 'E' RV's.  The 'E' for Expedition vehicles

Any case I got the lead for a book titled "Travel Vans" by John Speed from the follow site(s):




I do wish I had seen this book before I started my last conversion.  The book is simple to follow.  Has lots of practical ideas.  If it has a draw back it would be that it is WRITTEN IN ENGLISH  ;D

The book itself can be ordered from:


I am sure many of you 'B' fans would enjoy the above sites as well as the book.
I posted the above on a 'B' focused RV site and got this lead on Hymer 'B' size RV's.  These babies are really class.  Take the 360 degree tour.  I have not looked at the cost or if you could get one in the US.  Service of course would be ZERO.  But man do they look nice and are in the 22 foot range.


As the saying goes:  The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence pond.
Here is a garbage truck RV using Ikea hardware.  Really clean and clever.

Our 'B' usually goes the other way.  Starts out as an RV but by the end of the trip tends to look like a garbage truck that needs hosing off and shoveling out.


Rig looks German to me?????  Garbage trucks in our neighborhood do not look like this.

All else aside (ie: $$, mpg, noise,  etc.) I really have to wonder about how the thing would ride.
Yes, great job Len. The link to those photos has been circulating for some time. I'm sure it's in one or more prior posts here.

Tom you are right....it was originally posted as Garbage Truck RV in the General Discussion section in September of 2008.  I EVEN POSTED A RESPONSE at the time.  No wonder my wife always smiles at me this time of year.  She can get me the same thing as last year and I will not even remember.  Kind of like a gold fish circling the bowl, each lap everything is new again......

Just looked at web site.  Used basic ones go for about $370k and the models with a lift top in the area of $700k.  Did not see any with gun slots.

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