2610 Question

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2005
I have been using the 2610 without any problems except one that never really bothered me but I'd like to try and understand what's going on. I can't find this screen in the manual but I get one that comes up every time I start a route and says "This Route Does Not Match the Available Maps!" It goes on to say "It will not follow the roads precisely. Do you want to recalulate? Yes, Recalculate NO, Use it Anyway I have all ways said No and everything seems to work like it should. I think I tried Yes a couple of times and got junk. I can't figure out why I get this at all. I'm using City Navaigator V7 and Garmin 4.40  However, I seem to recall it doing the same on earlier versions.
Have you asked Garmin about the error message?  I have had good email support from them.
Upgrade your Garmin 2610 to version 4.60 before contacting Garmin and see if that helps.  Garmin will probably tell you to upgrade first anyway.
Ron said:
Upgrade your Garmin 2610 to version 4.60 before contacting Garmin and see if that helps.? Garmin will probably tell you to upgrade first anyway.

I went ahead an upgraded after I sent message and it didn't change anything. I'll try e-mail support. Thanks
Hope they get it solved for you.? Keep us posted.
Have you tried recopying the mapping software to the card?  If not that might help in case the file was corrupted.
That will happen if you haven't loaded ALL the maps needed for your route. Sometimes you really need to zoom in and then you may run across some small gaps in coverage, usually around large metro areas but not always, which may require another map section.
Is it possible, Leo, that the routes on the 2610 were built (on your computer) using a version of the map set that predates the map set that is now on the memory card in the 2610?  I'm just wondering if that might account for the misalignment that the error message seems to be identifying.



Good point. If he was using a newer version on the computer AND he did not upload the new maps along with the routes, some new construction would be missed by the old map set and the 2610 wouldn't know there was a road or interchange where the route said it should be.
Karl said:

Good point. If he was using a newer version on the computer AND he did not upload the new maps along with the routes, some new construction would be missed by the old map set and the 2610 wouldn't know there was a road or interchange where the route said it should be.

What set off my question here was that having tired of seeing the message and needing to program a trip I'm going to take in January, I developed a new MapSet along with waypoints and route and transferred all to 2610. Still got the message.? ???

I went back through all the settings and found that I must have decided in early days to chose under Customizing Route Settings/Calculate Route For - Trucks from a selection of Car/Motorcycle, Bus, Truck, Bicycle. I probably thought it would by the description in manual provide added info to avoid height issues, etc. I changed the setting to Car/Motorcycles and the message went away.? Still don't understand the content of the message vs the description of the service as described in manual. But what the h--- ; its solved as far as getting rid of the irritating message.

Another question - anyone increased capacity of CF card and know unit limit.
I get the same message on my older SP III. It occurs with City Nav V5 routes but not V4, so I'm thinking the base maps in the SP III match the V4 maps but there is something different  in V5 maps. I never bothered to contact Garmin about it - I just get by with routes I enter directly on the SP III.  I don't have any problem with downloaded waypoints, so I can route to or via them right on the SP III.

The only time I entered a route that crossed a tiny piece of map I had not downloaded, the SP III refused to cross it and actually detoured me off a major highway and  me through the area where it did have a map. I was only missing about a mile of the highway, but it acted like there was no road there at all. Was very strange, since the highway was in the base map set anyway.

Sorry to hear the problem still exists cause I'm planning to get a new 26xx soon.
blueblood said:
Another question - anyone increased capacity of CF card and know unit limit.


I've been running a 1GB CF almost from when I bought the 2620. The only negative is that it is comparatively a little slower loading the mapset when turning on than using a smaller card. The card I am using is also not one of the newer faster speed cards, that might speed things up when I feel like springing for faster cards.
BernieD said:

I've been running a 1GB CF almost from when I bought the 2620. The only negative is that it is comparatively a little slower loading the mapset when turning on than using a smaller card. The card I am using is also not one of the newer faster speed cards, that might speed things up when I feel like springing for faster cards.

Thanks Bernie  I saw that Garmin only sells 526 MB in their on line store and was concerned that the device might have some inherent limit at that level. I mentioned in a different thread some time ago that I purchased a 1 GB very high speed card for my camera; I may order another one for here. I want to go above 256MB since the mapset I use to go up and down east coast from Washington DC to south FL for my "normal" winter travels uses nearly 200 MB alone.

The secret to speed even in lower capacity cards is the card controller architecture and I have found it difficult to get good comparative information/data  from web sites or elsewhere. Interestingly, when I pulled the card from my unit, which I purchased this year, I noticed that it contained a SanDisk (128MB) Utility Grade card. I don't recall exactly when but I'm sure that Scan Disk end of life'd all Industrial cards some time ago.  It would appear Garmin was using up some old stock. Maybe-Maybe Not.
We too have been using a 1 GB card in our 2610.  Works great.  Now if only Garmin would come back with a routable version of Metro Guide to replace that lame duck City Nav.
And for what it's worth, I too use a 1Gb card in my 2610.

blueblood said:
I saw that Garmin only sells 526 MB in their on line store and was concerned that the device might have some inherent limit at that level. I mentioned in a different thread some time ago that I purchased a 1 GB very high speed card for my camera; I may order another one for here. I want to go above 256MB since the mapset I use to go up and down east coast from Washington DC to south FL for my "normal" winter travels uses nearly 200 MB alone.

I use a 2GB card in my 2610 and it holds all the maps.
This can happen when you have an older route that was stored on your PC which was prepared and saved using, let's say version 5 maps.  Then you update to version 6 maps and recall the older stored route into the 2610.  Bingo the map set used to prepare the route does not match the current map set.  If this is it, just redo the route.

JerArdra said:
This can happen when you have an older route that was stored on your PC which was prepared and saved using, let's say version 5 maps.  Then you update to version 6 maps and recall the older stored into the 2610.  Bingo the map set used to prepare the route does not match the current map set.  If this is it, just redo the route.


Jerry, this is what I think the problem is and tried to say so in an earlier post--didn't say it as clearly as you have done.


JerArdra said:
This can happen when you have an older route that was stored on your PC which was prepared and saved using, let's say version 5 maps.? Then you update to version 6 maps and recall the older stored into the 2610.? Bingo the map set used to prepare the route does not match the current map set.? If this is it, just redo the route.


According to manual, if one transfers only maps, the data card is completely erased each time before adding new maps. If transferring maps, waypoints, and routes the data card is completely erased each time before adding new maps, waypoints, routes. If transferring only waypoints and routes two different scenarios exist 1) if no maps then data card is erased and new data added. If maps are stored then the the maps will stay but other data erased and replaced by new.

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