Experience with Air Photo or SE Pub?

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New member
Jul 17, 2010
Originally, I posted this under General, but got no response's is probably better.  I need an additional source of income.  Two companies intrigue me, SE Publishing, and Air Photo.  Does anyone have direct experience with either of these?  I have in-home sales and b2b experience, and understand about commission, etc.  Looking for personal experiences--were/are the opportunities as they advertise?  Did you/others do well?  Do they train and maintain support well?  Do you still have time left to enjoy this lifestyle?  Would you recommend them?  Any advice?
I have no experience with either of them but if Air Photo is a company that has you going around to farmers trying to sell the owners on a photo of the place and you are working on a commission I know of several people who tried this; both pilots who were customers and people driving around trying to earn commissions and neither made enough to cover the fuel and other expenses.
I found an Air Photo web site, and sounds like the service referred to here.  They came around to our home in FL, and have also seen themup in RI.  Ends up being a real door to door.  If comfy with tht try it out, if not pass it by.

Consider working in Parks, Yosemite, Yellowstone Zion etc. 
I could probably tell you a bit about SE but it would all be heresay.  I work for a competitor and would be happy to give you information on them as well as others I have talked to.  There are a number of them out there and each has its own little niche.  Give me a PM or email and I think I can give you what you need.

I worked for SE Pub. I can NOT recommend them at all.

It appears to me, on retrospect, that they make a ton of money off recruiting people to work.  You pay them for the training. Then you pay a ton of up front expenses on each job.  It may take months and months to dig out of debt and finally make a few dollars per hour.

After the paid training, they don't care if you work or not, and the support and everything promised by the recruiter was all dog poop. I couldn't get them to return my calls, when I was floundering on a job they sent me on.

I found out later, they KNEW, 6-7 people before me, had done the same "annual" job and not made one penny. although SE Pub certainly made money off their and my efforts.

You are expected to work freebies for months, before you ever make any commissions, this is due to the long list of hefty fees you have to overcome before your commissions finally show up. You might make $5,000 in sales on one map job,  and never see a dime, plus you are out hundreds of dollars in costs you pay yourself.

I spent $50 a day in gas, plus worked from 8-8, for 14 days in a row,  the time allotted for the job they sent me on.

My sales were less than the hefty minimum required  on that situation, so my earnings were ZERO and I was in the hole for $700 in gas,  plus a few more hundred in upfront costs due the company, plus I was out the 160+ hours I had worked for NOTHING.

They bury you in a mountain of paperwork that must be filled out by hand, as they don't allow email or computer shortcuts. You have to pay express fees to ship this pile of paper around.

THey claim a "single" can do the job, but you really need a couple working fulltime together,  as 12 hours a day just wasn't enough. Two people could work 16-24 hours per day and maybe make some money after a few months.

For me, it was a total disaster, yet I've excelled in sales before.

Frankly, I felt like a pure idiot for getting sucked into their system.

Maybe it will work for you, but it didn't work for me at all.

The manager assigned to me (who is NOT an employee of SE Pub but another sub contractor)  said I was expected to do several LOSING jobs, before I got a chance to make any money. She provided none of the promised support and help.

In other words, plan to spend thousands of dollars of your own money for months, before you finally begin to make a tiny amount.

You might be able to fit this profile, but for me, it was a really expensive disaster.

I spoke with other people trained with me last May, as of Septe,ber, none of us has made a penny off them yet.

They can afford to pay fulltime recruiters and his job is to get you to pay for the training, which was nothing like what he promised. They did ship the traning manual to me and promised me I would go out on sales jobs with the "manager". 

Ha ha ha... she read from the manual for 3 days straight,  like we were in kindergarten at story time. Then she had us sign papers in front of her, stating the training was fantastic.  We never went out on a job.

Also, you will need a ton of room in your RV, to haul around mountains of triplicate forms, about a 100 different forms, to fill out, plus you are required  to buy 3 local town and city maps for every town you sell in, I could see that in a few months, the paperwork would sink my little RV.

I wish you luck, feel free to contact me further if you desire.

I have a good friend with a phone number that has worked and still works for AIR PHOTO INC if you need the number call me at five eight oh-three  oh one-seven zero nine nine. They are currently working the Houston area.  Bill

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