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Site Team
Mar 11, 2005
Camp Verde, AZ

Please go to Steve Gibson's web page    http://www.grc.com/sn/notes-020.htm  and download the patch as soon as possible.

Also download the WMF vulnerability checker. Keep the patch loaded until after you have installed Microsoft's fix.

If you're at all interested in computer security check out Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte's podcast "Security Now"
Still zero viruses in Mac OSX.

This is an appropriate time to announce that I will have a Mac Powerbook running 10.4.3 (Tiger) to loan out for anyone to try. On Jan 10th, Steve Jobs will give the Macworld expo keynote. I hope to hear when the MacIntel models will be out. They are expected to boot into multiple OSs...Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.
The temporary patch available from the grc.com web site can safely be installed and not removed until Microsoft releases the hot fix, probably next Tuesday with the monthly updates.? After installing the MS fix, you can uninstall the temporary patch, but I would recommend running the vulnerability checker after to see if you are really still protected.

When Apple releases the MacIntel machines, then Russ can rejoin the Windows world :D
Installed both the checker and the temp. fix last night. MS says not to install it because they haven't had a chance to check it out completely. Bolux. Another case of paralysis by analysis... or maybe they're just embarrassed that they couldn't come up with a fix of their own in a reasonable length of time.
Microsoft has released their patch for this vulnerability.? Go to Windows Update to get it.? You will have to restart your computer after applying this patch.

I have applied the MS patch and uninstalled the temporary fix.  My system still tests as invulnerable so it apparently is a working patch.  I recommend everyone apply this patch ASAP.
Ned said:
I have applied the MS patch and uninstalled the temporary fix.  My system still tests as invulnerable so it apparently is a working patch.

Hi Ned,

I too have done this on one of my desktop machines (the notebook and the other XP desktop are on the todo list) and like you can report that my system is reported as being invulnerable.

Problem is, that the fix is not available for W98 and I still have one production desktop running under W98.  So I'll continue to use the temporary fix there.


It's unlikely that MS will release a patch for Win98 or ME.  You can use the temp patch instead.  It's better than nothing.
GRC says they'll offer the patch for older Windows versions.
Karl said:
MS will now download the patch, (kb 912919) automatically.

Not for those folks using ME or Win98 though  ;D
Tom said:
GRC says they'll offer the patch for older Windows versions.

Good if they do, as the older Windows versions are just as vulnerable.  And MS support for Win98 ends soon.
Ned said:
And MS support for Win98 ends soon.

What I've noticed, Ned, is that when I go to "windows update" from the tools menu in IExplorer, I'm taken to an administrators page instead of the old screen that announced my system was being checked for possible updates.  I've concluded that MS' support of W98 has effectively ceased even though I can find a page that offers me old articles on W98.

But, if you have a pointer for me, I'd appreciate it.


You could try the Windows Update link from the Start menu, but that may take you to the same page.
Ned said:
You could try the Windows Update link from the Start menu, but that may take you to the same page.

Unfortunately it does.

rhmahoney said:
Still zero viruses in Mac OSX.

This is an appropriate time to announce that I will have a Mac Powerbook running 10.4.3 (Tiger) to loan out for anyone to try. On Jan 10th, Steve Jobs will give the Macworld expo keynote. I hope to hear when the MacIntel models will be out. They are expected to boot into multiple OSs...Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.

Hmmmm. What kind of games can I play on a MAC? My favorite game is Morrowind.

I am not at all accuainted with the game world, having no interest in the gory shooter things windows companies put out.
I am not at all accuainted with the game world, having no interest in the gory shooter things windows companies put out

Not every Windows came is a Quake or Doom.  First person shooters are just one genre.  There are a number of strategic and third person games.  Sid Meir's Civilization series is still around as is the Myst series.  The dungeon and dragons style of game is found in the old Wizardry, Bards Tale, and Ultima permutations.
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