Bounder Slide opens a few inches while driving

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2009
I have a 2003 35' bounder, and I'm having a problem with the slides. When we're driving the main slide will open a few inches from the shaking/bouncing of the road. The reason I know its because of the road is that if I'm on a rougher road, it opens up a lot more and lot quicker.

A couple of years ago when I bought it, the slides didn't open very well. So I cleaned them really good, and then lubricated them. The problem I'm having started after that.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Any options on what to do? It doesn't seem like Bounders have slide locks like some RV's.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


I'm not familiar with the newer Bounders but, on some of the Tiffin products, there is a "lock" that must be set in the proper position to prevent slide creep. It actually is the manual release that allows you to move the slide in or out should the mechanism fail.  I'd check your owners manual and the slide mechanism itself to see if there is such an device on yours.
I don't know anything about the Bounders either and you don't say who the slide mfr is. If it is HWH they have a ton of info at their website to help you troubleshoot your problem, Even if they are not your mfr they have some good general hydraulic info that might help you.
The first thing that comes to mind is are you holding in the retract switch app 3 seconds after the slide bottoms out? This will allow the cylinders to align properly and equalize the fluid (psi) to the main relief setting. If you don't have slide locks it must lock by hydraulic pressure.
I also don't know how "rough" the road is but all hyd systems will have relief valves. The main relief protects the circuit when in use and the port relief will protect the cylinders, etc when the system is not in use. If your slide is being forced in or out when the hydraulics are not in operation then the port relief can activate allowing the cylinders (and the slide) to move to protect cylinders and other components. Not sure if you have that much rocking going on, just trying to show how the reliefs work.
If you have a hydraulic leak or improperly adjusted relief then the slide will creep when the hydraulic pressure bleeds off. You say this started when you lubed the slide. It's possible your port relief could be set a little low which is allowing the slide to creep but I would really look around for a leak first. Hope this gives you a start.
After some research I have discovered my slide is a Powergear and the Powergear website has instruction on how to manually extned and retract both front and rear slides and a sections specifically for Fleetwood products.  It also says to hold the slideswitch in the retract or extend possition until the motorstops to ensure that the slide brake is set.

Hope that helps.  I dont think I'm allowed to link to comercial websites or I would post the link, a google search for Powergear will get you there easily enough though.


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