Oil Field Gate Guard Jobs

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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2008
Does anyone have any input on these jobs? We have researched and know we'll probably be in the middle of nowhere and it'll probably be dusty. We also know we have to man the gate 24-7. We want to do it for the fall/winter this year. Knowing who was good to work for and who wasn't would be helpful. Also any personal experiences are welcome.
Here is a link to an RVer who is currently a gate guard.  Look around his site, hopefully if will be helpful to you.



Thank you for the link (http://myoldrv.com/?p=1822). Been perusing his blog and there is so much that the guy talks about that makes a lot of sense.
My husband & I have done this for a couple of months and it was not too bad.  We told the company that we will not go close to the Texas border as illegals will sometimes knock on your door for water or food and I am just not comfortable with all the activity going on along the border.  It does get dusty with all the trucks and Texas being so dry so I had to dust pretty regular as it seems to come in from all directions.  We will lucky with the night shift as it was not constantly busy and I do the night shift and he does the day.  The company we worked for provided us with everything and were very timely in filling our tanks with water and diesel for the generator.  The rig workers were very polite and nice to us.  We are planning on doing this again during winter months.  Timekeepers from what I hear do not provide timely service to their gate guards.  There are new companies popping up all the time so I know it is good business.
  my wife and i love this work. it is made to order for us. we are in sw tex, there is an oil/gas boom here lots of work. the border patrol is thick here the illegals are rare . yes there are risks here but there are riskes in your locked gate community too.
  my wife and i have a realy great gate. they tell us this gate will be here for years, light trafic 30/40 per day  typical. but today only 8.
  we have no dept so we put 4k per month in savings, try that work camping. we are doing 14 months straight thu. in june 2012 we will pay cach for a place back home in montana.  but we need to find a couple to work our gate this jan 2012. it would be a great way to try out gate keeping. if you like it there is lots of work here.
  it is just gate keeping we are not security or guards, we log them in we log them out we don't know who they are or why there here, we have no authority at all.  if your interested or have ?  [email protected]
i just found another blog on oil field gate guard work if you are considering trying this work take a look  [email protected]  it is very up beet and positive about oil field gate keeping
gatekeeper said:
  my wife and i love this work. it is made to order for us. we are in sw tex, there is an oil/gas boom here lots of work. the border patrol is thick here the illegals are rare . yes there are risks here but there are riskes in your locked gate community too.
  my wife and i have a realy great gate. they tell us this gate will be here for years, light trafic 30/40 per day  typical. but today only 8.
  we have no dept so we put 4k per month in savings, try that work camping. we are doing 14 months straight thu. in june 2012 we will pay cach for a place back home in montana.  but we need to find a couple to work our gate this jan 2012. it would be a great way to try out gate keeping. if you like it there is lots of work here.
  it is just gate keeping we are not security or guards, we log them in we log them out we don't know who they are or why there here, we have no authority at all.  if your interested or have ?  [email protected]

I'm very interested gatekeeper contact me [email protected]
Has anyone heard anything about Si****ch USA - they are a new gate guard company that pays $200.00 a day for 24/7 and $100-125 a day for 12 hr watch
mdbass said:
Does anyone have any input on these jobs? We have researched and know we'll probably be in the middle of nowhere and it'll probably be dusty. We also know we have to man the gate 24-7. We want to do it for the fall/winter this year. Knowing who was good to work for and who wasn't would be helpful. Also any personal experiences are welcome.

We have made the move to Southeast Texas and are working for Gate Guard Services. We are very satisfied with their support, people and equipment. THEY NEED PEOPLE so e-mail me if you are interested at [email protected]
I just spoke with several of the gate guard companies and many pay as employee and have to pay both people.  Unfortunately this is a problem for us since I am on Disability and cannot earn any money.  They say all the companies are doing this but Gate Guard Services is still paying 1099.  Just wanted to update everyone on the latest.

Liz said:
I just spoke with several of the gate guard companies and many pay as employee and have to pay both people.  Unfortunately this is a problem for us since I am on Disability and cannot earn any money.  They say all the companies are doing this but Gate Guard Services is still paying 1099.  Just wanted to update everyone on the latest.

Many of the companies are paying as private contractors. More than the ones doing W2.
You might consider forming a LLC, Limited Liability Co. and have the employer pay you via
the LLC. If you have a accountant check and see how could apply in your case. LLC isn't
very expensive to set up. I've had one for over 10 years.
I have been doing some research on this job for a short time now. By the posts on this particular board, it looks like you are all referring to gate guard jobs in Texas.

Does anyone know of companies more North or areas that would be good at looking into for open positions? We are looking to get something going within the next few months & with summer being soon after the move, we want to avoid anywhere that gets very hot during the summer. (We are coming from Vegas & want to avoid the hot summers).

Any input as to companies/websites/locations would be greatly appreciated!  :)
loydstuts said:
So far as I can determine, this is pretty much limited to TX or LA

Probably because that's where most of the oil is :)
There is a huge oil boom going on in ND these days.  There are no towns or services so it might be a good place to look for this kind of work as well.
HI , Do you know who to contact in Montana or Pennsylvania for the Gate Guard Jobs.
Just would like to check it out.

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