Mesa mini rally

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
For the benefit of those who haven't met you, care to elaborate on who's in the photo? (Not for my benefit).
Now you know how it is on the other end gang!! ;D

Seriously, I do think it is not good forum practice to refer people to other threads when a simple answer could suffice.  Especially if the answer might also help other people.  This might mean someone just say nothing if they don't know the answer.  I was sure someone would jump in and give detailed information who was in the rendezvous group, and I am sure they would have.  In fact i was hoping that thread might become a new thread to keep the rendezvous group up to date as things got close.

Sorry I was playin' around mischieviously, but I wanted to give an example.  I am a big believer in not making people dig around if you can offer immediate help.  Of course, some threads, by their very nature, are reference threads.  I have no hangup in being referred to that type of thread. 

But in the end, no matter how many times I read the Monaco rally thread, I could not find the info I was looking for.  Not having traveled in that part of California, I had no idea where the Indio Casino was or how to get there.  :D

Ok, to practice what I preach LOL, left to right we have Smoky and Sharon, and Sue, and Jeff!  It was a mini rally in several ways, one being we were the last 4 to leave QZ, other than Karl, and we were adjacent neighbors at QZ.  We loved the rally and made some wonderful new friends there.
Smoky:  I sure do agree with you about glib answers instead of a few words of worthwhile info. 

So, this "Mesa mini rally" doesn't/didn't exist?  Guess I'll have one by myself here.

But in the end, no matter how many times I read the Monaco rally thread, I could not find the info I was looking for.  Not having traveled in that part of California, I had no idea where the Indio Casino was or how to get there.

But Smoky, did you ask where the Indio Casino is located?  If you hd, I bet various of the framily would have given you the GPS coordinates :)


If I had known it was at Indio, yes I would have asked. 

But when I logged on I didn't even know where the thread was.  And GPS coords were not what I was after.  Jeff had no trouble at all figuring out what I needed.

Geesh...  I hope I never end up telling people to go find a thread, if I already have a brief answer with the details they want.  I think forums are much more useful when people just help each other.

I do agree that some subjects are complicated enough that a reference file or detailed thread is the way to go, no dispute about that.

My main point is that sometimes I think the old timers of a forum forget that the value of a forum is that it spans both space and time.  By that, I mean it does not matter if you are in California or Maryland (space) or if you were here two weeks ago when a subject was discussed, or just arriving on the scene (time).  Some of us, myself included, do not read every message here.  I skim the titles, looking for subjects that interest me.  When I looked for Pomona Rally info, at that time there was no thread with that subject, and my search does not work, so I missed it.

I know I am in the minority here, on how this should work, so just take it as minority input.  :D

>>I know I am in the minority here, on how this should work, so just take it as minority input.<<

I don't know how to answer you or help you.....All the other folks meeting at the Spotlight 29 Casino haven't had your problems, why do you think that is?

Likely because they are Westerners and familiar with the area.  I had no idea what Indio Casino was or where it was.

This whole thread is kind of ridiculous Terry.  I don't need any help (unless the location has changed)  as I got it from Jeff.  See you at Indio Casino.  I was puzzled by some subsequent messages suggesting maybe another place had been picked.  If so, I hope someone clarifies that for me.

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