Compter Help needed to remove from registry

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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
Valley Springs, CA
Always very careful where I search and websites when using the computer.  Picked up and do not know how to remove.  I had something similar a few years ago and found a link to remove from registry but now I do not remember how to remove and cannot find by searching.  You can't just go in and reset your internet and delete or block as I have done that and it comes back. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you,
What do you mean by "Picked up ?  What exactly are the symptoms?
When you go to a website and then try to go back to the original and click the back arrow, it will not let you leave the website you are on.  If have to click on the dropdown and bypass or click home.  It is a type of cookie that never goes away.  My virus scan will not remove. 
I don't think you can use Google search without getting that, but never knew it to cause problems. It does pick up ads in the Google search, though.

I didn't think it was in the Registry either, but maybe...  If you edit it out, it probably comes right back the next time you Google.

But if something is blocking or interfering with, e.g. you have blocked the domain in your router, the browser can hang waiting for the ad to load. Could that be what you are experiencing?
I never use google as a search, always Bing.  When I had which acted the same, I removed through the registry.  I tried to search the registry but nothing comes up.  I blocked the domain but it came back. 
Found when I hit the back arrow and it would not go back a page.  Checked the drop down menu and there it was. 
From the fixes I checked you can 1.) Run 'Spybot Search & Destroy'; It's good and free 2.) Run FireFox browser with AdBlock as your browser
When you try to back out of a page and it doesn't work, double-click rapidly and see if that will work. If necessary, do it two or three times in succession. I've encountered the same issue from time to time. Kind of a pain, but I really don't think it's anything to worry about.
Kurt63 said:
Found when I hit the back arrow and it would not go back a page.  Checked the drop down menu and there it was.
What "drop down menu" are you refering to?

As Brother Bill stated, sometimes you must double-click to go back.  This is caused by websites that redirect you to a second webstie (or page).  When you click the back button once, it backs up to the page that just redirected you, so you wind up right back where you were.
Try Alt-LeftArrow instead of the back button.  Press twice instead of double clicking the back button, that doesn't always work.  The keyboard does.

You didn't say what browser and version, but in most you can click and hold on the back button to see a list of the previous pages.  Does that work?
Sounds like OP already knows how to work around it but finds it irritating and wants it removed.

I believe malwarebytes anti-malware will remove it. It is free and heavily used.
The softwre Spyware blaster blocks many sites that install it and other malware. It's also heavily used and works with both IE and Firefox.

I have had good luck at the forum They have step by step instructions for removing many forms of malware and offer free and helpful support just like this site does for RV issues. is not a virus or malware. It is a way of delivering ads to you that are targeted to your likes and dislikes. You will get it every time you visit a web page that uses doubleclick to push ads to your browser. You can't get rid of it in the registry because it never gets into the registry.
Tom is correct, the registry has nothing to do with your problem and I doubt you have picked up any malware.  If you were using Firefox, there are several addons that can block all content from doubleclick, but not so much for IE.  You could look up Ghostery and Simple Adblock Class, both addons for IE9, that may help.
Kurt63 said:
Found when I hit the back arrow and it would not go back a page.  Checked the drop down menu and there it was.

If you are talking about the drop down menu for the browser's back/forward buttons.. That is not registery, that's browser history.. Simply closing the page will get rid of it.

However if you want to sweep the history clean CCLeaner will do the trick  IT can also dump your cookie jar.

Now, if you want to never visit a web site (This my cause issues but is easily fixed)

In Windows | System32 | Drivers | Etc (This is for xp) there should be a file called simply HOSTS,,  Not Hosts.txt or or anything with a dot extension just plain HOSTS

Open it for edit, NOTEPAD can do it just fine

There is a line in there

Local host or local host (Forget which)

Copy that line, only replace "Local host" with the site you want never to visit

taoshum said:
How did you find out it's a problem?  There's no solution in the "malware" search?

He does not have a problem per-say.. What it is is a page that re-directed him somewhere. IT is not mal-ware, it's not in the registery, it's in the browser history as he passed thrhough on the way to somewhere else.

Now when he's on the page it handed him off to and he back arrows, it returns him to the doubleclick page, which then re-forwards him to the target page. so it APPEARS he has  problem..  Happnes to me all the time on survey sites.. I just go to the drop down, drop down TWO, (Past the re-direction page) and it works.
One thing you could try that might help at least temporarily is to delete your browser history and cookies. Could still come back, but might give you a bit of a break.
Brother Bill said:
One thing you could try that might help at least temporarily is to delete your browser history and cookies. Could still come back, but might give you a bit of a break.

Unfortunately, that won't solve the problem -- it just deletes the current cookies. The culprit cookies will return as soon as you then visit another website.

John, I have seen the fix you posted on a number of websites -- and am curious as to whether it works or not. Have you tried it and does it work?

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