A fairwell to all

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an RV or an interest in RVing!
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mike eddleman

Well-known member
Jan 1, 2010
Villa Rica Ga.
It is truly a sad day for me. In past post I have told some about some medical issues I have. Do to my health and the lack of the government to pay me the money I have LET them hold for me for the last 40 years, We lost our house a couple of years ago. The banks wouldn't help a man that couldn't work because of a disability. We have been struggling along for the past couple of years but making it. Well yesterday the bank Told me they wouldn't help me with the loan on the RV so after paying for it for the last 2 and 1/2 years I had to turn over the keys to them.
  I won't be RV'ing anymore, But I do want to thank all the people that have helped me with all the questions that I came up with over the last couple of years. I have really enjoyed reading all the stories of your travels and only regret that I never got to a lot of it, nor got to meet a lot of you. I still plan to stop by every once and a while just to see what you all are up to.
  again to all a big thank and good luck in your lives

I'm really saddened to read your story. I sincerely wish you the best for the future, and hope that our paths will cross one day.
I am so sorry for your troubles. Many folks in your situation would have simply relocated the rig to an obscure park and continued living in it, hiding from the creditors by using someone else's address three state away (a trusted soul).

On the other hand, I fell upon super hard times, with serious health issues and a brutal assault that I can't talk about (give me a few more years...).  While trying to rebuild my life, I was looking all over creation at RV's as my new "home" rather than go the traditional route of renting a little apartment. To confuse matters, I had been living overseas, and came back to America, not realizing the economy here was a mess. Before I moved here, I sold everything I owned, and held onto the little bit of money, while I figured out WHAT to do next. I considered a motorhome as my new lifestyle.

As I looked at rigs, the dealers  tried time and time again, to convince me to pay all my money down and finance a rig, but I did a 180 and decided to use my down payment to pay cash for an old rig, without financing a dime, even though those new ones sure looked shiny and comfy.  I quit dreaming about the fancy rigs, then started seriously hunting down a deal on an old rig that looked livable and had all the basics in working order.  I decided to forego a car in favor of using that money for travel and learning to get by with just the rig and not a separate car.

At least, this way,  I would have a home, fully paid for, title in hand, and then all I had to figure out was where to park it and how to fill up the fridge now and then. Now I do workamping and when I scrape up some funds, I go travel, then I workamp some more, then travel. It's not been easy at all, but it's been fun and I've found a way to love each and every day I wake up alive. I have a small erratic income from writing and I pick up odd jobs when I can which is kind of hard in America, but every now and then I find something to add to the kitty. Many folks have helped me out along the way, something I wasn't counting on at all, but I am super grateful and very thankful. Angels must be looking out for me.

It's become a real adventure to me, to work out 9 different ways to make a dollar stretch, so that in the end, I am fed, clothed and housed. I gave up medical care and researched alternatives.  I do without a lot of things, but I don't really care. I am so super lucky to end up in beautiful places with my silly dog.

My new lifestyle is vastly different than what I was accustomed to before, but sometimes bad things happen to good people, and a complete lifestyle change is sometimes forced upon us.

I hope somehow, some way, you eventually get things worked out more in your favor. I know, it's NOT easy at all. I feel for you and will try to send good thoughts your way, in hopes the angels will shine down on you.

Mike, I am so sorry to hear about all the troubles.  Please check in every once in a while to let us know how you are doing.  This economy has been so hard on so many people.  Sending good thoughts and prayers that things turn around for you.


It is difficult to read stories like yours, and I think we all realize that there, but for the grace of God, go I.

The current economy and system is not very forgiving of situations like yours, and I think that's probably a national disgrace that is being debated on many fronts without a lot of success.

Best of luck and we hope to hear much better news when you stop by again soon.

Take care and hope you can concentrate on your health and wellness issues now.  I know it is probably not any consolation but you probably aren't the only one in this situation. 
I'm sorry you are leaving and hope that one day you find yourself able to start rving once again. I know how much I missed it. . .
What a heart break.  Our friends had to "hang up the keys" due to medical reasons. But they found another outlet for their lust for travel.  They were full timers for about 6 years so they know a lot of places.  As a hobby they (mostly her) have put together a lot of boondocking places or out of the way places that aren't known to most.  She follows several RV blogs and sends the writers places to stay or neat things to do at those locations.  I think that was a good way of "over coming" the loss of being able to actually being there. Just saying.....
I once read an outdoor writers article who stated "Life does not end when you're broke, it begins in earnest". 
I don't mean to be flippant about your health issues and finance.  I have to repeat the advice given here in that
you certainly are not the only one with the combination of problems.  Do what you have to do in order to overcome
or at least adapt to your disability.  I like the term "challenged" instead of disabled.  It's PC I know, but it is true.

Good luck with your battle.  You don't say where you live.  No matter where you are there is likely an RV park there,
and just remember.  You likely have friends who are staying in that park. . .

The Big Larry
Like the others I too am saddened by your news.  We will miss you and hope that you visit often.  Remember that you are FRAMILY and if we can help let us know.  Best of luck to you folks!
mike eddleman said:
....... 2 and 1/2 years I had to turn over the keys to them.
Sad day indeed Sir.  Hopefully you will find a way to re-enter the RV life you obviously love so much.  Nothing else to say except better luck in the days ahead.  Your welcome around my campfire anytime.
Sorry to hear the latest in your problems. Really sucks. But, if it's not too hard on you, maybe you could stick around and RV vicariously with those of us who are blest enough to be able to continue this lifestyle? I hope that some day we'll meet you down the road, some time when you've started up your Rving again.

Virtual hugs
Anza Borrego Desert State Park
This breaks my heart Mike, I may be in your situation soon because of my health. I sincerely hope it works out for you and hope you stick around...you are part of the knowledge base here! :)
I too am sorry to hear about your delay. I truly believe this will only be a delay in plans for you. You want this too much to just let it go. We went through a rough patch due to my heart, but we're back  :).  As for fighting for your disability benefits, keep fighting. Social Security will refuse you at least once based upon your age. If this is another agency, there has to be a repeal process. I hate to say this, but, you may have to hire a professional (attorney or paralegal) that is qualified to deal with the SS Administration. They will do it on a contingency basis so they will get some of your back pay. Back pay goes all the way back to the time you first applied, so keep the case open......I understand how hard it is right now coming to this forum, the last thing you want to hear is everyone else's dreams while you grieve for yours. Remember this ----- It is only a delay. Until we meet in person around a campfire.........chell
I'm very sorry to hear of your troubles and hope it gets better for you.  Life seems to throw us challenges for some reason.  I lost my career and hopes for a lot I wanted to do.  I had my elderly mother to look out for and have a mentally challenged daughter.  Life was not the way I wanted it at all.  I grieved for what I lost for many years, I was a very unhappy person.

Life is still not the way I really want it, but rather then let it beat me down I decided to "be as happy as I can".  However, I know I am fortunate in having a husband that can still provide for us and am blessed in many ways.  But still each of us can have challenges, sometimes ones others don't really see or understand.  That does not make what you are going through any easier. 

I hope you can overcome your challenges and life becomes easier for you.  I am very sorry for your plight, may it improve shortly.
Yet another voice wishing you and yours well.

Hope we see you in a bit...when you're ready. 'Til then, know that we are praying for you.
While you may have to give up the RV Life style  for the moment , please  don't go away from us. We wish you well and want to  hear from you on a regular basis. Your story represents so many of us. Your enthusiasm for our  "sport"  has been wonderful.  Again, please don't go away.

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