We luv our new 'old' Shasta!

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New member
Apr 6, 2006
First post.  :)

We love finding and sprucing up old campers. This one is special though. Don't know why. It's a Shasta Lo-Flyte. We think it's about a '68 or '69. Sure has lots of dings, but somehow it's just such a neat little camper.

We took it out for 3 nights in a state park last weekend. So much fun! Not sure if people point and say how silly... or smile and say how neat!  :-\ But we are having a ball!

I'll post a picture of it as soon as I can.

We-R-old-campers ~ Al & Glo
Folks are always curious about and admiring of a well maintain/restored trailer.  They are sort of like old cars but much more individualistic imho. 

Be sure to post a picture of that puppy as soon as you can.  :)
we-R-old-campers said:
First post.? :)

We love finding and sprucing up old campers. This one is special though. Don't know why. It's a Shasta Lo-Flyte. We think it's about a '68 or '69. Sure has lots of dings, but somehow it's just such a neat little camper.We-R-old-campers ~ Al & Glo

Hi Al and Glo,
Something about the name Shasta rang a bell with me.  When I was a kid my folks had a camper and the family of  5 traveled all over in it. It would have been in the sme time era.  I wonder if it was a Shasta? At the time it was WAAAAY better than the tent we had been camping in and was much more protection from the wind in the Salton Sea area of Southern Claifornia.  I think many of us got our love of  RVing from  "camping" experiences as kids.


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