Winegard satellite system.

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New member
Dec 5, 2011
Am looking at the possibility of purchasing a Winegard satellite system for our RV. Does it pick up the Bell satellite stations we get here in Saskatchewan? Anyone own one and how does it cooperate with picking up the Bell signals in Arizona?
Yes, it absolutely works for Bell.  I have the Wingard carry out and it worked perfect.  I have not been disappointed.  The directions on how to set up for Bell comes with it
We have the automatic Winegard Trav'ler and love it.  From the information on the Winegard website it appears that they do make systems that can receive both the Bell and Shaw Canadian systems. You should be aware of the fact that the Trav'ler systems are sold to match particular satellite providers, so you have to make sure you install a system designed to lock onto the Bell satellites at 82 and 91.
hi teeper

we went with shaw, not bell
two reasons;
1. bell would not support us if travelling to the US / shaw would not support us if travelling to the US
2. we full time and bell would not support us as full timers (wanted us to have a "home") / shaw would support us, knowing that we did not have a 'home but rather that we were full timers in a motorhome

we have the winegard traveller satellite (we prefer simple, one button operations)

regards, pdq
There are several antennas made by Winegard that will support your Bell system.  The Winegard Trav'ler is by far the best but it is roof mounted (fully automatic) so if you like to camp in the trees you might want to consider the Carryout as a good option.  As pdq mentions, Bell will not support your service while you are in the US (assuming you make the mistake of mentioning this) but they have no way of knowing where you are so as long as you can receive a signal you should not have any issue with your service.
The Shaw folks do support the RVer very well and the service is available much farther South, including Mexico, than Bell.

There is One thing you need to be aware of when deciding to get a Winegard.  They will not sell you a part for a repair. The only choice is to send it to them for repair or buy a replacement mount.  If a motor goes out after the 2 year warranty then you have to spend about a $1000 for a replacement mount !!

The other choices are MotoSat or Mogul, a new company.
Don - Oregon said:
There is One thing you need to be aware of when deciding to get a Winegard.  They will not sell you a part for a repair. The only choice is to send it to them for repair or buy a replacement mount.  If a motor goes out after the 2 year warranty then you have to spend about a $1000 for a replacement mount !!

The other choices are MotoSat or Mogul, a new company.

This must be new as I have gotten parts from them in the past.
It's not new, just incorrect.  Parts are available but like many other companies the tech's usually don't suggest this option unless pushed.  The new company Don is referring to above is actual called RF Mogul.  They are all the former MotoSAT executives who were released from MotoSAT a year or so back.  They are working on some new and innovative products for the mobile world.
Bill and Don, thanks for joining us here.  We can always use more satellite knowledge.
Thanks for the welcome Ned.  Just looking around right now.  Hope to hang around.
In addition to being knowledgeable about a lot of stuff, Bill and his wife Janet do a great job of installing Winegard Traveler dishes.
They installed mine last year in the town we stay in near Quartzsite.
I would guess there are more than a few of Bill and Janet's customers here.
Yes, we will be at the Indio, CA FMCA rally and then head out to Quartzsite after that.  We do not participate under the tent but we will be at the Rose RV park on Kuehn Street just East of the big tent.
I am about to purchase from a friend who does not need this: winegard traveler Model SK-3005 Direct tv slimline. Unit is set up for direct. I need to switch it to dish and I have an extra Dish 1000 dish from one of our properties. Can I just switch this and hook it up to my receiver? Thanks guys, Ernie, knowing about flooring, nothing about electronics

Per Winegard, the Traveler SK-3005 can be converted to Dish with a kit. From Winegard' site:

Can be converted to TRAV?LER DISH 1000, with kit SKA-KT1.

Could well be this is nothing more than replacing the Dish with the 1000, which you have.


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