More Capitol Reef photos

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Moderator Emeritus
Feb 1, 2005
While Lorna is taking more pictures of Staircase-Escalante, she asked me to post some of here photos from yesterday's Cathedral Canyon trail ride.


  • Cathedral Canyon 006 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 006 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 017 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 017 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 020 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 020 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 028 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 028 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 038 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 038 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 061 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 061 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 069 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 069 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 076 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 076 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 087 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 087 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 093 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 093 (Medium).jpg
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And a few more.


  • Cathedral Canyon 099 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 099 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 105 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 105 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 111 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 111 (Medium).jpg
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  • Cathedral Canyon 115 (Medium).jpg
    Cathedral Canyon 115 (Medium).jpg
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Nice shots.  You can clearly see how any early morning threatened with rain, turned into one of those beautiful blue sky days. I felt like I lived the trip again.  I'm sure glad we went.

Nice pictures. I sure wish I was there enjoying the scenery and those weird pies instead of here working. Maybe next year....
Wpw! Great pix. You guys have saved me another trip. Saving all kinds of fuel expenes this year.  ;D

Photos just can't do justice to the beautiful views we get in person.  They can only give a taste.

Glad you are enjoying Torrey and CApital Reef.  We are still in Monument Valley and keep delaying our leaving.  It's beautiful here.  I'm beginning to feel like a local.  Yesterday early morning we did the 17 mile loop drive.  Then today, we did the Mitten butte hike.  We got started about 7:30 am so the lighting and temps were great.  Remy was a tired puppy when we got back.

We had some wind on Monday and very strong winds on Tuesday; so strong that we put the motosat down.  Then yesterday it was beautiful for our loop trip; but then the temp dropped and it rained steady all afternoon.  By 5ish, the sky cleared and it was gorgeous.  Today it's in the high 60's with not a cloud in the sky. 

BTW, you didn't tell me I'd have live entertainment while camped here.  We have been visited daily by a small herd of horses that are wandering through the campground.  Then this morning a herd of sheep walked through.  My horsey buddies are not gonna believe it.  Remy thought for sure the sheep were just poodles that had come over to play.  (side note:)  While Tim was waiting for me, and Remy was in the back of the truck, an indian came over and asked if that sheep in the back needed to be sheared)  Tim cracked up!!!

Tomorrow we head toward Kernville to spend the weekend with the kids.  I can't believe I called the campground and asked for a "southern sky" campsite with no trees. ::)

MarshaLassen/CA said:
? We are still in Monument Valley and keep delaying our leaving.? It's beautiful here.? I'm beginning to feel like a local.?
I'm glad you are enjoying the place so much.? Now you see why Terry has it as a standard way point when we travel this way.
Regarding the request for southern sky, you are really getting with the techie program now ! We are enjoying Torrey so much that I am considering getting back on the list for Moab next year.? This is awesome country!

Sheila and I had a great time at Capital Reef. We are planning on a return visit next year. There is so much to see.

I think every one at Torrey with us got a chance to see the DVD on Capital Reef that you lent to us. I think we all learned a lot from the DVD - thanks.

We drove to Kanab today with our friends, Ollie and Judy, and stopped at Best friends for a tour. As we were running a little late for the 1:00 pm time we asked if there was room to park a couple of RV's. The lady at Best friends said they had some RV parking. Only problem was they really had space for only two large RV and One was filled. The other problem was the road was not wide enough to turn around with unhooking the toads. So we unhooked to turn around and by that time the other RV left so we made the tour. A truly great place!

Hope all is well,

Ken & Sheila

fredethomas said:
? You have not seen all of it yet.? Goblin State Park and Flaming Gorge still ahead.

Actually Terry and I did Flaming Forge at your recommendation a few years ago.? Yes Goblin? is on our list.? Maybe next year. The RV site beside us has been mostly empty all week.? We thought of you guys every time.? We are going today to the little Social Hour Day? that the? Gifford House (near the Capitol Reef visitor center) has, like last year.? I want to see the sheep herder wagons which were the first RV prototypes again.? Maybe I will buy a pie as well.
Terry is staying home to wash windows.? What a life!



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