Acme EZE-tow dolly

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Aug 25, 2011
Hi! I would like some feedback from owners of the Acme EZE-tow dolly. How does it handle? Is it reliable? How is the customer service? Any problems?
Just got back from a 800+ long weekend trip. I brought Acme tow dolly last fall. Unlike other tow dolly's the Acme does not have attached ramps. The ramps are regular car ramps found at most auto part store. You will have to follow all the directions to a "T". Far as handling it trails beautifully, it is lighter in weight and easy to hook up. It comes with everything you need to tow. The surge braking system works great. I found out that once I loaded it a few times, I got better at it. You have make sure your auto is straight and square on the dolly or you will have problems. Don't let that scare ya, it is not hard to load up, just need practice. The website is very helpful and the people at Acme are the greatest. I went to the shop where they build them and picked up in person. They even made accommodations for me to pick it on a Saturday when they were closed.

On our 800 mile trip we traveled some West Virgina roadways and if you have ever rode through West Virginia you know how rough some the roads can be. The car was just as tight on the dolly from the time we left to the time we got home. BTW this was our first major RV trip plus towing a car and I was very comfortable, had no worries. If it wasn't the rear camera I would not know it was there. All in all; I have no regrets buying an Acme tow dolly. 
I agree with Conquest2011 , it is a good tow dolly My wife and I have made 3 round trips between Orlando ,FL and Nova Scotia, Canada with ours as well as a lot of shorter trips and it has performed great. It is light , easy to move around when needed and once you get the hang of it ,it's quite fast to load and unload. The one thing I will say is the tires wear out faster on the outside edge than on the inside edge because of cornering but ours has the original tires on and we should get another trip to N.S. with them . I did have them turned around last summer to make them wear the other edge. Alan

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