North To Alaska

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Moderator Emeritus
Mar 9, 2005
Home base-Kernville, CA's getting close.  Many of you might recall last year at this time we were heading out for our long awaited trip to Alaska only to have an accident in the canyon which postponed our trip. 

So, last Tuesday we took the coach back down the canyon and it is now at the Cat Service facility having a check-up and oil change.  It will STAY in Bakersfield.  ;) We plan to spend a few days getting groceries, packing the coach and picking up stuff we can't get here in Kernville, CA.  On Mother's day we head to a Christian Camp east of Fresno to help clean and ready the camp for it's onslaught of children campers for the summer.  Then we are off north to Portland and Seattle crossing into British Columbia on June 1st.

I know there are a couple of other Forumites going to Alaska this year, so hopefully we can have a few mini-rallies.

We are SO excited!!!

Marsha, I am soooo jealous.

I know I said earlier that I wanted to return to Alaska this year, but it didn't work out that way. 

I don't know your planned route or travel agenda, but have you thought about the possibility that you may be leaving a tad early?  I know we were too early for the"Going to the Sun Highway" in Glacier in '06, and it was mid June.  Others reported weather delays in/around Banff in early June. 

Have a great and safe adventure.
It's hard to predict the weather each year, but we left Great Falls, MT on May 24, 2000 and enjoyed good weather throughout the trip.  We returned to Couer d'Alene, Idaho in late August.  We did the Banff Jasper leg of the trip on the way home after coming down the Cassair Highway.

Have a great trip, Marsha and Tim, and keep us posted on your adventures along the way.  Looking forward to vicariously sharing the trip through your posts.

Margi and Tom

Have a great trip. I'm also jealous. Alaska is on our bucket list but who knows if we'll ever make it there.

Gee, Kernville is on my list of places to visit again, not escape from.  I haven't been there since the mid '60's.  I loved it and Lake Isabella.  My DW and I and 2 kids drove from China Lake to Lake Isabella and back in an old '41 retired Navy Chevy pickup - no AC, of course.  Just a crank-out windshield and a granny gear that wouldn't quit.  We made it, though.

I hope you have a really really nice Alaska trip (that's on my list, too).
Marsha and Tim,

You've been anticipating this trip for so long!  I hope it turns out to be even better than you've hoped.  Don't forget to share a few photos and tidbits!  And, most important, have a safe and trouble-free trip!

We're jealous too!!!  You'll really enjoy it. 

It's a beautiful trip.  We did it two years ago and are ready to go again.  We are considering going to SE Alaska and explore from the Ferries this fall, but we'll have to see if the stars will align so we can go.

Have Fun!
Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.  We're trying to do this before we get too old and fuel reaches $20.00 a gallon.  ;D

Lou, we plan on hanging around in B.C for most of the month of June; not hitting Alaska until July 1st or thereabout.  We won't get home until close to October 1st.  I just hope there are some bears left to see when we get there.  On our trip to Newfoundland everyone raved about all the moose they saw......Not us.....we saw very few.

Molaker...come on up to Kernville; it hasn't changed much since the 60s.... ;)

Today I put the final touches on a vinyl covering for the tow car window and made little mirror "mittens".  You'd think we owned a very valuable car not a Hyundai. 


Sounds exciting, Marsha!  We last drove up (tent camping) 20 years ago this year.  We managed to celebrate July 1st in Whitehorse and July 4th in Fairbanks (just happenstance, no planning).  I can recommend the free pancake breakfast in Whitehorse.  :)  (Assuming it's still on).  Safe travels.  ..  Steve
Try to get to a city in Alaska for the 4th of July.  We've been up there three times on the 4th over the last 12 years in 3 different cities and they really have a big celebration.  With the long days, some places celebrate starting the evening of the 3rd and have their fireworks at midnight.  Canada celebrates Canada Day on July 1st, which is their big day. 

Many of the cities up north have a big celebration for Summer Solstice, which is June 20th.  In Dawson, which is not far below the Arctic Circle, they had a golf tournament that played all night.

After so much darkness in the winter, they're really ready to let some steam off in the summer.
Would like to have coffee when you pass by our door. ;D
Our 50Th wedding anniversary is this year. DW wants to go back to Alaska. Grandson's high school graduation is 6/2/12. Then I will be working until the 20th of June. (Need to make some gas money). Plans are to head north at that time. Maybe we will cross paths in some of our travels. Hope that you have a great trip!

We're also planning to go to Alaska this summer.  (It will be our third RV trip there.)  We'll be leaving the Portland, OR area around June 1st.  No detailed plans yet, but we will probably have a leisurely trip through British Columbia.  A mini-rally would be good.

Ken....Hyder is on our list.

Betty...I can't remember which way we are "looping".  I'll get back to you.  All the maps are pack in the truck ready to go down to Bakersfield to load in the coach.

Poor Tim he is helping our son, who bought a new to him, 30 year old house rework the sprinkler system.  Our son and his wife also leave for the summer and they wanted to turn their house water off; but leave the landscaping water on.  The prior owner had everything hooked together.  All the piping is galvanized...<aaarrrggg>

We are in Grand Junction, CO until June 3rd. We then head to Alaska. The trip up is planned. Some of Alaska is planned. The trip back is still up in the air.
Boy have a great trip.  If you can post some pics.  That is one trip we wish we could take the time to do again.  BC and Alaska were so great.  Have safe travels!!!!!!!!!!!!
We came back through Hyder around the 1st of Aug. and got some great pictures of bears fishing in the creek. Drove past the creek to Salmon Glacier. You can drive beside the glacier for about 2 miles. A must see.

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