Any reasons to put stickers on RV?

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2012
Saginaw, TX (north fort worth area)
I bought this thing, joined all these clubs, now they sent me a bunch of stickers.  Is there any benefit to putting the stickers on the RV?  I'm not a sticker type of person.  So unless there's a benefit, I'll file them with the rest of the stickers I'm sent. 


We only have our FMCA plate mounted on our ladder, but for many, it's a conversation starter, especially those who spend a lot of time traveling with their specific membership group.

We have started conversations with others in response to their decals, but don't put any on our rig. For me, it's a "I don't want to have to scrape them off and mess up the paint" thing.
We don't use them.  Put them in a file if you're not a sticker person.  Chances are you'll never actually need them.  Like Skyking we put our FMCA "egg" on the ladder when we attend rallies because they're needed then.

The Fmca egg is on the ladder, a "stars & stripes fish" stick on is on the back, a "CAT Food" decal above the fuel fill door and a save the cat stick on is by the door BUT they are all on plain gel coat and thus easily removable.  ;D  Usually I only put things on glass where they are easily removable, like the rear of the Jeep etc.
Stickers be gone.  Whenever I've bought a vehicle from a dealership, I also tell them to keep their license plate frame and remove any stickers on the car I'm buying.  I'm already paying them for the car, and do not plan to give them free, ugly advertising for the duration of my ownership!
The only sticker we have is one that says "pets onboard" in hopes that in the event of a fire someone will try to rescue them.
The only sticker I'm considering is one to put over the mark my wife put on our bumper.  Fortunately, it is sticker-sized.
I've seen people put their stickers on their slide out wall, so they are only seen when the slides are out.

I'm not a sticker person either, but the prior owners were obsessed with sticking stickers on the windows. I've had a nightmare trying to get them off again.

On the other hand, my spare tire cover in back is on it's last legs, so lately I have been stickering it up with whatever crap I end up with. But once I get a new spare tire cover, the stickers will be gone again.

Someone gave me a sticker that read DOG TAXI, so for some fool reason I stuck it on the entry door to hide a scratch. The dog loves it...
Stickers are great for pasting the ends of the body decals back in place when they start peeling off.
My stickers are on a "sticker plaque" which I have mounted on my ladder. Removeable when I want.
scottydl said:
Stickers be gone.  Whenever I've bought a vehicle from a dealership, I also tell them to keep their license plate frame and remove any stickers on the car I'm buying.  I'm already paying them for the car, and do not plan to give them free, ugly advertising for the duration of my ownership!

Heh.  When I bought my TrailBlazer back in 2007, the dealer was "Freedom" Chevy.  The "stickers" were gel-filled individual letters.  I took each one of them off, and was about to give them to my neice when I thought, "all but an "E" and a "D"".  I stuck those two on the shift lever of the TB to spell "ED".  Now my wife can keep a hand on me whenever she takes the TB anywhere.
I will give you 3 answers to the question "Is there any benefit"

Some stickers indicate membership in an orgination and are needed for access to functions of that group.  IE: FMCA egg, no egg, no admission to the rally.

Some may support a cause you like.

Some.. (I have an ARRL sticker I need to stick somewhere)  Well, there is a story about a stolen car,  the thieves repainted it and otherwise disquised it but they left the ARRL sticker,  Since it is illegal to display a feternal emblum (ARRL) less you are a member, the car was stopped and investigated.. Owner got a free paint job out of it.

Some folks, Will use a decal to cover a boo-boo

But with MOST of those stickers they send you.

The major benefit is to the folks who sent it, Free (or nearly free0 advertising for them.

Recommendation: Stuff them in an envelope and only display the ones you want.
I'd like to find a bumper sticker to send a message to the poor folks stuck behind me...something like "you have the misfortune of being stuck behind the land yacht."
DearMissMermaid said:
I stuck it on the entry door to hide a scratch.

John From Detroit said:
Some folks, Will use a decal to cover a boo-boo

Heh, yeah soon after I bought our rig I reached WAY up and peeled off a thick, rectangular dealership sticker off the side exterior wall.  I thought "that's a weird place to put an ad" as I had to stand on my tiptoes to reach it.  Once it was off, I saw the scratch/gouge underneath it (perhaps a former collision with a protruding tree branch).  Tricky.  Now I just live with the scratch, but maybe I'll reconsider a new sticker if I find JUST the right one.  ;)
We have a magnetic sticker that goes on the back of the Toad. ["BE PATIENT I AM PUSHING A BIG MOTORHOME".] Any stickers I want to display are stuck to magnetic material and put on the bus as needed for various functions that require them.

I actually ''buy'' Stickers but not for the coach or to be stuck on the coach.  My ''stickers'' go on my hiking staff.   
When you go into a gift shop or information booth in many national parks, usually beside the register there will be a display of ''hiking stick badges''.  They sell from two to five bucks each and they are really neat.  Some are real works of art and they are made of soft metal and easily flattened out for mounting on a display board or conformed to a hiking stick.  My hiking stick is in the picture of me and Willa.  It has over eighty ''badges'' on it and I have a cigar box full of more badges.  Since I am getting old if someone asks if I have been to a certain place I can usually look at the hiking stick, find the badge and tell them that ''yep, been there done that''.
I suggest that other campers do this also because the ''badges'' are like pix.  They bring back a lot of good memories....................cj.....

Vets gave us our freedoms and earned it with their blood ......  think about it......cj.....
We have a couple of stickers on a window that doesn't show when the slideout is  in.  One is an Elks logo, the other is from a paragliding association.  Their purpose is to say "we belong here" when parked at an Elks lodge or paragliding site.


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