Split strum - Formby style

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Jan 13, 2005
George Formby, a Lancashire, UK entertainer that I remember as a kid, played the banjo ukulele and played/sang to audiences on stage and on the big screen. He developed a unique 'split strum' which I can do only after a lot of practice, but quickly forget if I don't continue practicing/playing it daily.

Here's a YouTube video of one of Formby's many performances, this one of him playing/singing "When I'm cleaning windows" (aka I'm a window cleaner). Not the best video, but it leads into ...

Check out this YouTube video of a young guy teaching the George Formby split strum. He starts by playing a simplified version, then demonstrates how to play Formby's signature strum.

Here's a YouTube George Formby channel of multiple GF videos.

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