Loosing weight, can't get past two hundred.

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Just Don

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Longview, Tx
Loosing weight, can't get past two hundred. I'M Just Don 5'6" was 355 lbs in 2008.
I've been down to 201 and up to 210. No matter what I do eat, walk there's a wall, it's
200 lbs.
I was hoping we could start a thread/topic about loosing weight and encouraging each other.
Not saying posting your weight but loss or not. Just try to help each other. a support group.

Might not be my job of starting one, if I'M out of bounds please let me know.

Any suggestions please let me know.
IMHO it is a worthy subject. I am 5'11 1/2 and was 268 and now at 248 and seem to have hit a wall. A version of the South Beach diet got me this far. Still trying. Would love to get back down to 175-185.
Congratulations on your weight loss. 

It needs to be a way of life.  Making the right food choices on a consistent basis will help one to break though all those plateaus.  They are normal in every weight loss situation. 

Keep eating healthy, eliminate poisons like High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) from what you eat, drink more water, then, more energy and better health will be the result. 

When I changed the way I ate, my cholesterol, blood pressure, and energy levels have all returned to normal.  Good Luck with your journey to a healthier life.
Hey, Just Don. 

Congratulations on your weight loss to this point.  That's a great accomplishment.

I'm Just Lou (5'5") and, while I've never been near 300lbs, I have been 225.  I'm also fighting the 200lb barrier.  I did break below (198) this last spring, but an extra vodka drink and a pork chop in celebration took care of that.

I have confirmed, with my doctor, that my diet doesn't need a whole lot of change at this point, but I do need to exert more control over portion sizes.  I just can't leave that last piece of chicken, slice of pizza or helping of potatoes on the table.  I'm working on it, but do NOT intend to even go near a scale again until after the Holidays.
Cut down on the carbs.  If you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight.  Look on the internet for a copy of the  Glycemic index, it shows how many carbs are in any food.  Also, take flax seed oil, it decreases the desire for carbs.

Paul & Ann said:
Cut down on the carbs.  If you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight.  Look on the internet for a copy of the  Glycemic index, it shows how many carbs are in any food.  Also, take flax seed oil, it decreases the desire for carbs.


I put cold milled organic flax seeds on my oatmeal in the morning, just one tablespoon, and it's surprising how much longer I go before I'm hungry again.  I've never tried the oil.  I've heard a cup of green tea before a meal helps as well.  I can't taste the seeds in my oatmeal.  What does the oil taste like?
I'm a Lifetime Weight Watcher and within goal range for nearly 2 years.  I still attend meetings as I find the motivation and facing the scale keeps my eating habits in check.  Weight Watchers is not a diet  but rather a healthy  lifestyle.  Portion control is key.  Power foods are those filling and keep one's hunger in check.  I  use  online etools to track my daily POINT allowances.  It calculates recipes and finds the values of foods.  I can use it in fast food restaurants to see just how many points are in the food  I "was" going to order. Platueaus usually require a different set of plans.  Change up your exercise, move more,  find a few new veggies to munch.  Mostly hang in there. 

One of the things we are trying to  promote at rallies is the elimination of snacks at "Happy Hour"  No one needs all that food, then go out to dinner.  Or at least bring healthy  veggies for snacks.  It is a way  to support one another in good health. Good topic!


The weight loss is  pretty slow but the plan  is so flexible to allow treats when you have a craving. 
Just Don,

I'm right with you.  Lost 60 lbs. so far and looking forward to losing more.  One thing I might suggest is for you to look at myfitnesspal.com.  It is a great web site to help with weight loss.  I don't consider what I'm doing as a diet but as a life style change. 
I think the "wall" is reached when your level of exercise (calorie burning) matches your calorie intake. At some point it is no longer practical to further reduce intake, so you have to increase the burn rate if you want to make more progress.  Sometimes just daily walks and other mild activity is enough, but it may take more to crack through the barrier.

Now if only I could practice what I preach [sigh].
Really liked reading all the replies and I agree it's a life style change.
Since loosing weight I don't have asthma(no more med's used 3), sleep apnea(no machine)
and I missed out being a possible diabetic.
Of course there's a lot of other benefits also, like I'M really pretty now.(I know why did I go there)
When the doctor said I was cured of sleep apnea(something they had said before would never happened)
was one of the best feeling ever. So I've won even if I don't get below 200, but I hate having something I can't do.
Need to get mom to tell me not to..(I'M 57 might work)

I have never counted carb's and we do love our noodles. Will do a search on that.
I'M also one to hate to leave left over, but it's a trait I need to learn. When going out
I ask for a to go, so I can eat it latter. Cooking at home I'M trying to cook less small frig full timing will help.

Thanks every one for your reply
Just Don walking on the lighter side of life..
DW and I have both used Weight Watchers with great success, both having lost 30+ lbs. But even during this little weight loss we would hit a wall where for 3-4 weeks we wouldn't loose. What we did was take 1 week off from the strict diet, not going hog wild but eating a few things we wouldn't on the diet. Sort of a diet vacation. The when we went back on the strict diet we'd once again start to loose. It almost seemed that our body needed a vacation form the diet once in a while in order to continue loosing.
99WinAdventurer37G said:
I put cold milled organic flax seeds on my oatmeal in the morning, just one tablespoon, and it's surprising how much longer I go before I'm hungry again.  I've never tried the oil.  I've heard a cup of green tea before a meal helps as well.  I can't taste the seeds in my oatmeal.  What does the oil taste like?

I take the oil in capsule form, so I dont ever taste the oil.  It does take some time for the flax seed oil to start to work, usually a couple of weeks minimum, but after that most everything that is sweet tastes too sweet to eat, which makes it real easy to stay away from soft drinks, pastries, and the like.

Thank you all for the tips. I will try the flax seeds and oil. My wife is doing WW and is losing almost every week. My recent loss has been due to activity; not much work the last few years and I depended on that activity. I put on 10%. This summer it went away, working 5~6 10 hour days with a long commute.
Paul & Ann said:
I take the oil in capsule form, so I dont ever taste the oil.  It does take some time for the flax seed oil to start to work, usually a couple of weeks minimum, but after that most everything that is sweet tastes too sweet to eat, which makes it real easy to stay away from soft drinks, pastries, and the like.
Paul I'M going to try the flax seed, older I get I'M eating to much sweet.

Never been big on oat meal I get hungry after eating it, but will try the flax seed also.
It always tasting like paste maybe is the reason.. lol
Any one good in making oat meal?
Thanks Just Don does oat mill cookies count ;)
Never been big on oat meal I get hungry after eating it, but will try the flax seed also. It always tasting like paste maybe is the reason.. lol

A little cinnamon on top goes a long way towards getting rid of the pasty taste.  Or sweeten it with some honey instead of sugar.
I'm another one that lost using Weight Watchers, the smart phone app is great. Lost 18 pounds and then hit a wall. Haven't lost anything since then but at least I haven't gained any back, either. I know that I could probably get past the "wall" if I gave up wine and peanuts but I don't want to. I've cut back on carbs but won't give them up completely. I'd rather add more walking.

I quit smoking in 1981 and that was easier than losing weight.

Anza Borrego Desert State Park
When I quit smoking, my weight quickly went from 150 lbs. to 195 lbs. I tried several different diets, but could never seem to stick to one. I finally discovered a diet that worked.

As ridiculous as it sounds, my diet was to eat as much as I wanted of whatever I wanted, but only when I was hungry. The hard part was learning to differentiate truly hungry from merely not full. When I ceased being hungry, I ceased eating. If there was food left on my plate (there usually was), it was better to throw it away that to stuff it in.

Eventually, it became a habit. It was great. I never felt deprived. It took me 5 months to get back to 150 lbs., and I have stayed at that weight for seven years.

If you want to try it, practice for a week by ending each meal with (at least) a little bit of food left on your plate. Throw it away. In the mean time, think about how being hungry feels.

A friend of mine is 6'7" and at least 300  (he's not telling) says it's simple to loose weight. What you have to do is poop more than you eat.

I dropped from 210 to 178 for surgery by using the Flax meal and portion control, hit my plateau at 190 so started physical rehab. The exercises started the weightloss again.

Try Agave instead of sugar or honey, it's cheaper than honey and has a lower clycemic index.

Weigh in at surgery was 178, next weigh in 5 days later I was 158....I don't recommend that method.
Smoking is one thing I never did do. Every one in my family has, but I didn't.
Some say that's hard to do, I bet it is. Some of the smoker's told me losing weight isn't nothing
as hard as stop smoking. Since they stopped smoking now they got a weight problem.
Proves any habit is hard to break.

Great Horned Owl, the not eating till your hungry sound like it could work.
I never have been one to count calories.

Thanks for the reply's I think there's a lot of good info I'M reading.
When I finally quit smoking (3rd try), I never touched another cigarette but I can't give up food completely. Well, maybe sweets or chips.


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