I'm looking and could use some advice

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Jan 13, 2012
I'd like to get a job working (primarily office/reservations) in an RV park, but I'm not sure how to go about finding one.  It occurs to me that these jobs are probably found through word of mouth and not from print ads in newspapers.

I have 12 years of experience working as a manager in the car rental industry.  I currently live in NJ, but I do want to relocate out of state and I am looking for a long-term position.  My only criteria is that it is a dog-friendly park.  While I would love to love on/near a beach, I'm completely open about where I move to and right now I just really need a job.

If anyone advise me about where/how to find a job, please PM me. 


Join Workamper.com - they operate a really excellent clearing house for jobs for workampers, including info and advice for prospective workampers.  The introductory video on the front page of the site is helpful in itself. The fee is modest and it is not a scam - many thousands of workampers use the service every year.  We used it ourselves for  8 years and obtained some excellent positions through them.
We worked for Legacy resorts for 4 seasons.  Loved the people.  They have 14 parks all over the US.
If you want to work the winter and play the summer do gate guard jobs, just check out the company before you jump.  They pay well and the work is easy, just not for everyone because of the isolation. 
Definitely check this out:


On the bay, very dog friendly (have a dog beach and fenced dog run), and just an all-around great place!

another site which also has a separate place to post you are looking is:

Also, just cause it says couples, send them your resume. I have gotten my single jobs by doing that.

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