I 95 a road to avoid

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2006
Nova Scotia
    This isn't going to be much of a Trip Report, but thought some people might be interested in vehicle tolls along the I 95 corridor heading all the way south.  Also, for what it is worth, we had great weather, passing through New England in sunshine before the weather system moved through Sunday, in fact aside from a couple of hours of rain heading south from Richmond VA Sunday morning, we had sun the whole way.  And in response to the question raised in another post, we easily drove the 800 miles from Richmond to St Petes on Sunday.
    That said, we drove in our new SUV, having left the coach and Jeep at home this year.  So, that allowed us some flexibility to visit relatives, we hadn't seen in years.  To do that, we had to drive through the Big Dig in Boston, and through city streets in Taunton, and Providence, all of which we wouldn't do with the RV and toad.  Since we were only a few miles from I 95 in CT, I decided continue along that route, WHAT A MISTAKE!  It would have been much better to drive the 45 miles north to Hartford, CT, then take I 84 & I 81 as we normally do.  But being Saturday afternoon, we thought the traffic wouldn't be too bad.  We hit stop and go traffic from before New Haven, through the Tappan Zee, and down the Garden State Parkway, and for that honour, we were charged about $35 in tolls, hate to think what it would have been RV & toad.  As is normal, Baltimore to past the Beltway was a parking lot.
    That said, we had great visits, a comfortable drive in our new Dodge Durango, and are now sitting in Florida with temps in the 80's since we got here, although there are warnings that winter is scheduled to be here tomorrow, projected high of only 65 for a couple of days, but it beats snow and freezing.

    We bought a condo since the price was right, particularly since it was in need of a lot of TLC.  We figured that we would sell the coach after we got home from the Moab Rally last spring.  But we had such a great trip, we will be doing it again at least once, that is also why we laid the Jeep up and bought a new SUV to travel in.


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