New Poll: Who Has Attended The Most Annual Quartzsite RV Forum Rallies?

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
OK, I guess I'm the curious one here who wants to know who has been to the most Quartzsite RV Forum Rallies; so I am taking a poll to find out who has attended the most RV Forum (yearly) Rallies in Quartzsite and who has the current and longest streaks of consecutive years attending these rallies in past years.

To keep it simple, only count the years that you attended the RV Forum Rallies (i.e., you parked your RV alongside others in the RV Forum group during the rally) and (if you want) indicate the AVERAGE number of days that you stayed at these rallies each year in the past (if you know).

Only include counts for the annual Quartzsite RV Forum Rallies (they are usually held in January) and the average number of days you camped at the RV Forum rally site each year (if you should happen to know). Don't include numbers for the rally in the year 2013 as that is yet to come.

To partake in the poll, just post a reply below with your Name(s) and your 4 inputs in a format like this:

R & S Salhus,6,6,6,12

to indicate your personal poll input.  I'll summarize the data in tabular form (like below) after we get a number of inputs.

                            Current Streak        Longest Streak        Total # of RV Forum          Average Stay
Name(s)                  (In years)                (In years)            QZ Rallies Attended            (In days)
____________    ____________        ____________        ________________          ___________

R & S Salhus                  6                              6                                  6                                12

You already have my record, Rolf.  Just add 1997 to it.
Ned, how come I always have to enter your poll inputs for you?  :'( :'( ;D  Aside from that, here is how I see your poll entry:

N & L Reiter,2,9,14,6

Is that how you want it recorded?
The requirement that we must have lined up with the group voids my statistic of 10 years of participation.  The year I had cancer (2001) and the year I had a mild stroke (2004) we only drove out from Brenda for the potluck so we could see everyone.  It doesn't matter .... I have many pleasant memories of getting together with this forum group and that is what is important to me.  Wouldn't trade a minute of it all.  ;D

Bernie & Marlene Dobrin; 0 or 14, 11 or 14, 12 or 14, 12 or 14

Calculations based on how you treat the 2010 and 2012 rallies when we were only there for 2 days each before most attendees arrived. There were some there during the time we were parked before moving over to INTO or returning home. Use the first number if you want to ignore 2010 and 2012, use 14 for all 4 questions if they meet your criteria.
Tom and Margi, and others, I don't mind adding footnotes to make things clearer (see the footnotes below).  Here's  how the results look so far:

                            Current Streak      Longest Streak        Total # of RV Forum      Average Stay
Name(s)                  (In years)              (In years)            QZ Rallies Attended          (In days)
________________    ________________        _________________        _____________________        ______________
T & B Brewer*2            4                          10                                  15                        10-50
N & L Reiter                  2                            9                                    14                            6
B & M Dobrin*1          0 or 14                11 or 14                          12 or 14                  12 or 14
R & S Marabito              0                            4                                    7                            14
R & S Salhus                  6                            6                                    6                            12
T Seiler                          2                            2                                    2                              8
B & J Whetstone            1                            1                                    1                              6

    *1            Dobrins didn't park with the RV Forum group for the entire rally for years 2010 and 2012.
    *2            Terry Brewer is the only original RV Forum member still attending these rallies.
Hmm, my most days in Q I was not parked at the rally. 

So 1 year, 6 days. 

Include my visit the rally year and we can add 90 days to stay, but north a couple miles.
I would guess Terry Brewer would win that one.  The only time I remember him missing is the year they went to Mexico recently.  His first one would have been Jan. 1995.

Terry Brewer    4,10,15 Average stays  between 10 and 90 days. 

*Only original RVForum attendee still attending.

Now do you want to talk about the entertainment activities over the years?
Now do you want to talk about the entertainment activities over the years?

Betty, sure, I think that would be interesting too, but wouldn't that be thread drift?  ???

Reply #9 above has been modified to show the latest poll additions.

Mike & Wendy   
Lawrence                      7                          7                          7                                  11

Our first Q rally was in 2006 and we have not missed one since

(edit: Mike didn't check my camping log, average stay was 11 days)
The Cousins are 7,7,7,7. We showed up with Mike and Wendy in 2006.
Here's the latest poll results:

                                Current Streak      Longest Streak      Total # of RV Forum        Average Stay
Name(s)                      (In years)              (In years)          QZ Rallies Attended            (In days)
_______________  ____________      ____________      ________________        __________
T & B Brewer*2                4                            10                              16                            10-92
N & L Reiter                      2                            9                              14                                6
B & M Dobrin*1              0 or 14                  11 or 14                    12 or 14                    12 or 14
M & W Lawrence                7                            7                                7                              11
J & S Cousins                    7                            7                                7                                7
R & S Marabito                  0                            4                                7                                14
R & S Salhus                      6                            6                                6                                12
T Seiler                              2                            2                                2                                  8
B & J Whetstone                1                            1                                1                                  6
E & D Gorber                      0                            1                                1                                  5

Footnotes:    *1            Dobrins didn't park with the RV Forum group for the entire rally for years 2010 and 2012.
                      *2            Terry Brewer is the only original RV Forum member still attending these rallies.
Not that it matters because they aren't travelling any more and they didn't even want to go to Qtz the first year they went with us, but my parents went to Qtz 3 times and stayed 28 days each time they went. Moral of that story is, never say you don't like Quartzsite and will never go until you've actually been there. It kind of grows on you.


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